Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and ResultsContinued

Goal 4: Excellent customer service is achieved and the ministry is recognized as a good employer.

Core Business Areas:
Objective 1:
Excellent service is provided to all British Columbians.
1. Undertake annual surveys of customer satisfaction and compare survey results with baseline data to ensure customer needs are met.
2. Use survey results and public feedback to improve customer service processes and procedures.
3. Conduct focus group sessions with individual stakeholder groups to identify specific gaps in service delivery, and determine how to refine ways of doing business in order to better meet customer needs.
Performance Measure Baseline 2004/05
Customer Satisfaction Survey:

Highway users' satisfaction with existing ministry services and delivery processes, rated through surveys on a scale of 1 to 10.

6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0

What is being measured: Ministry staff conducted a total of 1,043 surveys throughout the province in 2003 and used the results to set a benchmark for the ministry to evaluate and compare annual overall performance and quality of service as perceived by stakeholders and highway users of B.C. The targets reflect a weighted average of several areas that were surveyed, and the ministry is targeting its efforts in the areas that indicate a higher need for improvement. Significant accomplishments towards streamlining business processes will contribute to an increased level of satisfaction, and recent survey results suggest that the ministry is succeeding in its efforts to improve service quality. Canada-wide satisfaction with provincial/territorial government services averaged 6.5 out of 10, according to a 2002 survey by Citizens First. Canada-wide satisfaction with road construction, maintenance and snow removal services was 4.7 out of 10.

Objective 2:
Employees are provided with the support, training and working environment they need to excel at their jobs.
1. Implement the ministry's Human Resource Management/People Plan to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.
2. Undertake annual surveys of employee satisfaction and use survey results to target for enhanced employee learning and an innovative organization.
Performance Measure Baseline 2004/05
Employee Satisfaction Survey:

Survey of employee satisfaction with organizational improvements.

62% 67% 69% 72%

What is being measured: An Employee Satisfaction Survey will be administered on an annual basis through BC Stats, and targets will be established based on the findings. The purpose of the survey is threefold: (1) to allow the ministry to monitor the current level of employee satisfaction; (2) to establish a benchmark of employee satisfaction for comparison against future years; and (3) to allow the ministry to determine how well it is progressing toward the goals outlined in the People Plan.


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