2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Treaty Negotiations Office
It is my pleasure to deliver the first stand-alone service plan for the Treaty Negotiations Office. The plan outlines the approach the Office is taking to achieve modern-day treaties, to materially improve the lives of Aboriginal people and to build respectful, working relations with First Nations in British Columbia.
The provincial government is fulfilling its commitment to reinvigorate a stalled treaty process by introducing bold new approaches, including revenue-sharing. Over the past year, four First Nations have ratified agreements-in-principle with the provincial and federal governments. In addition, we are focusing our resources at a number of other tables where the prospect of reaching agreements-in-principle within 12 to 18 months is greatest. We now have a real opportunity to conclude final agreements, or modern treaties, with First Nations. I am optimistic that we can achieve these treaties in a timely way and create greater certainty over Crown lands and resources in British Columbia.
The Office will also continue to support its ministry partners in a number of non-treaty negotiations with First Nations that are critical to revitalizing the economy, including those related to northeast oil and gas development, forestry, and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
The government also recognizes the importance of providing economic development opportunities for First Nations. Over the last year, 124 projects have been sponsored that promote First Nations participation in shellfish aquaculture, tourism, forestry, and oil and gas sectors, as well as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Treaty Negotiations Office will manage the implementation of these projects to assist First Nations to develop the skills and expertise to actively and effectively participate in the provincial economy.
The certainty that British Columbia seeks through negotiations relies significantly on building a foundation of trust between First Nations and the government. A priority for the Treaty Negotiations Office will be to work with First Nations on initiatives that recognize the historical and cultural presence of Aboriginal people in this province and assist in reconciling the difficult nature of our past relationships.
This service plan establishes the framework that the Treaty Negotiations Office will follow to achieve its goals. Through its work, the Office will continue to help build a strong and resilient economy for the benefit of all British Columbians.
Honourable Geoff Plant
Attorney General and
Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations
February 4, 2004