2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Treaty Negotiations Office
Appendix 2. Summary of Related Planning Processes
A. Human Resource Management Plan
The Treaty Negotiations Office was reorganized in June 2002 to consolidate negotiation functions. The reorganization allowed the Office to strategically assign resources to make progress on identified opportunities. In the process, the Office has streamlined business processes and accomplished cost-saving measures. In keeping with Government's Public Sector Renewal Initiative, the Treaty Negotiations Office has identified, and will continue to identify, a number of opportunities to enhance the leadership, support, and developmental opportunities our staff needs. The Office will foster proactive and visionary leadership at all levels of the organization and engage employees in the development of strategic approaches to accomplish our goals.
The Treaty Negotiations Office developed a draft human resource plan in 2002, and is currently gathering data to establish the baseline and desired targets. The plan is available at http://gww.pserc.gov.bc.ca/HRPlans/down/treaty_negot_HR.pdf.
B. Information Management Directions
The Treaty Negotiations Office receives its information technology services from the Ministry of Attorney General, which under the shared services model also provides services to the balance of the Ministry of Attorney General and Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
The Treaty Negotiations Office is currently planning to undertake a number of projects beginning in fiscal 04/05 to provide information management tools that will assist staff to negotiate and conclude agreements with First Nations more efficiently.