2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Forests
Message from the Minister
March 2003, we introduced the Forestry Revitalization Plan, comprehensive
reforms to revitalize British Columbia's forest sector. These reforms
are now in place in legislation, and in coming months will be implemented
to the benefit of communities across the province.
We have laid the groundwork for change. Now it is time to put our
new forest policies to work.
The coming year will see:
- Market-based pricing that will ensure British Columbians receive
a fair price for their forest resource
- New community-based salvage licenses and small-scale tenures
such as community forests and woodlots
- Forest and Range Practices Act Regulations that focus
on results and ensure tough environmental standards are upheld
- New opportunities for First Nations and other new entrants
- Response to the Firestorm 2003 review as part of our ongoing
commitment to improve provincial fire protection efforts
- Long-term strategies to mitigate the economic impact of the
Mountain Pine Beetle epidemic.
We are also acting on our New Era commitment to spend one
per cent of direct forest revenues in marketing B.C.'s forest products
to the world. With initiatives such as the "Dream Home China" project
in Shanghai, we are partnering with industry to showcase B.C. wood
in new markets.
Lastly, we are securing our forest industry's future through our
commitment to funding education. Through secondary school forestry
programs, through summer forestry camps for First Nations youth,
and through post-secondary training, we can raise future foresters,
silviculturists and other professionals to ensure a strong grown-in-B.C.
forest economy for years to come.
We are setting in motion these and other changes to create a new
foundation for a healthy and globally competitive forest sector
in British Columbia.
Honourable Michael de Jong
Minister of Forests
February 4, 2004