Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Premier's Letter to the Minister  
Premier's Letter to the Minister of State for Mining  
Message from the Minister  
Accountability Statement  
Ministry Overview  
Resource Summary  
Core Business Areas  
Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results  
Appendix 1. Strategic Context  
Appendix 2. Summary of Related Planning Processes  

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Appendix 2. Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan


In order to effectively carry out its mandate, the Ministry of Energy and Mines is committed to the provision of expanded Internet services. Adherence to government-wide standards ensures implementation of these services is based on best practices principles.

Strategic Directions

The Ministry of Energy and Mines has adopted the following strategies:

  • Be proactive in seeking opportunities for cost reduction through collaborative technology sharing across provincial resource ministries and agencies;
  • Implement web enabled service delivery, where feasible, to meet the public's and the industry's interest and need to access more information electronically;
  • Ensure all Ministry employees are computer program knowledgeable and use Internet and Intranet technology;
  • Review business processes to ensure services provided are consistent with client's requirements, and utilize electronic interfaces where appropriate;
  • Continue to maintain servers and systems at Government standard level, wherever possible, and provide enhanced systems performance and functionality to support increasing demand for graphics intensive materials;
  • Develop all new multi-user databases according to Government standards and Ministry requirements;
  • Move ownership and management of certain specialized software licenses from branch responsibility to lead Ministry or the Ministry of Management Services;
  • Take advantage of new field-based technologies (including wireless networking) for collecting and integrating spatially referenced geoscience field data; and
  • Place copies of geoscience and mineral exploration reports on the Ministry's website for client use in planning exploration investments.

Major Projects

Mineral Titles Online: The Ministry's Core Review identified a need to move to a new corporate approach to service delivery that will reduce program costs and modernize the mineral titles system. A component of this initiative is the replacement of the current "claim staking" with Map Selection" as the standard method for allocating all mineral and placer rights in the Province. The Ministry's Titles Division is developing a new Mineral Titles Online (MTO) business process that will manage attribute and spatial data including a new automated system to register and to manage mineral titles based on a Map Selection process.

Petroleum Titles Online: As part of government's objective to supply efficient service to the oil and gas industry and the public, the Ministry is streamlining its processes for making oil and gas rights available for exploration and development. Ministry petroleum and natural gas tenure maps and data will be available online which will enable interested parties to submit requests through the internet for parcels of oil and gas rights to be offered for competition at any of the Ministry's oil and gas rights sales.

WEB Portal Project: The Government Portal project will require the conversion or rewrite of a large number of web pages. This project has commenced with a review of all Ministry applications to determine which should be delivered via the portal.

Assessment Report Indexing System (ARIS): The Mineral Titles Online system is expected to impact the ARIS system. ARIS needs to be rewritten to comply with government database standards, accept and manage digital assessment report files, and be integrated with Mineral Titles Online. The cost and source of funds for this work has not yet been identified. This is a large project, with an expected duration of one to two years.

Integrated Registry: The integrated information projects spearheaded by MSRM may provide the framework required to replace several aging legacy systems. The key projects requiring rewriting under this initiative are MINFILE (12,000 record database of mineral deposits), MapPlace and the Aggregate Inventory (system to manage aggregate information).

Notices of Work (NOW): In keeping with the Ministry's intent to maximize service delivery via the Internet, development of front end access via the Internet to the NOW system is planned for 2004/05.

Human Resources Management Plan


The Ministry of Energy and Mines' Human Resource Management Plan will be the defining human resource document to guide us in the achievement of our goals and support the outcomes of the Ministry Service Plan and the Government's Strategic Plan. Goal Number 3 in the Service Plan states: To be an exemplary organization and a Ministry of choice as an employer in the British Columbia Public Service. Our strategies to meet this goal include the implementation of Employee Performance and Development Plans for all employees and the undertaking of a consultative and collaborative approach for the development and implementation of the new 2004/05 – 06/07 Human Resource Plan, with clear links to the Corporate Human Resource Plan. We recognize that our staff remains our most valuable resource and their expertise, knowledge and commitment are critical to our overall success. Our new Human Resource Plan will be a three-year plan and will embrace the Corporate Vision and Values and enable the ministry to address issues such as leadership, succession planning, recruitment and recognition.


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