2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Ministry Overview
The primary focus of the ministry is to help the agriculture, food
and fisheries sectors prosper and contribute to the B.C. economy
while delivering high-quality and safe products to consumers within
a context of environmental sustainability.
The ministry administers programs related to the production, marketing,
processing and merchandising of agricultural and seafood products.
Its stakeholders include B.C. producers (agriculture, aquaculture
and fish) and the entire food system from farm to retail, consumers
and citizens.
The ministry administers 37 statutes that deal with a wide range
of topics including food safety/quality, the environment, pest and
disease management, use of normal farm practices, licensing, risk
management and marketing. Many of these statutes are administered
in partnership with other agencies, including municipal, provincial
and federal governments.
The ministry has 318 staff positions located in communities across
the province. It is organized into 15 branches within three divisions:
1) Resource Development and Sustainability,
2) Risk Management and Competitiveness, and
3) Executive and Support Services (including policy and legislation).
All branches deliver programs within one or more of the core business
areas described earlier in this service plan.