2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
is our ministry's third service plan, looking out over the next
three years. It comes after a remarkable year for agriculture where
both the ministry and industry have met some unprecedented challenges.
I am pleased to say that we have made progress and we're
still on target. That is the advantage of planning in advance —
you know where you're going, and you can make adjustments as needed.
The refocusing of our ministry has certainly helped. The changes
we've made in terms of our mission and strategic approach meant
we were well positioned to work with industry in managing the BSE
crisis, cope effectively with the drought and address concerns around
food safety.
Now that B.C. has signed on to the national Agricultural Policy
Framework, we will focus on implementing its benefits and programs.
The framework will help B.C.'s agriculture and seafood sectors build
on their natural attributes of resilience, quality and diversity
through sound stewardship, science and innovation.
This year's service plan outlines key business areas and strategies
that will continue to improve the climate for the agriculture and
seafood sectors to contribute fully to the provincial economy. A
revitalized provincial economy remains this government's overarching
priority, one that allows the values of B.C.'s families and communities
to be fully realized.
The ministry needs to be innovative, enterprising, results-oriented
and accountable in order to contribute effectively to achieving
the government's overall goals and vision. Over the past two years,
the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries has moved to advocacy,
influence management and results-based approaches. We are now putting
that into practice and seeing the results. We look forward to continuing
in partnership with the private sector as it finds and makes the
most of opportunities at home and abroad.
Through this service plan, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Fisheries will support the government's commitment to a strong and
vibrant provincial economy, supportive social fabric, safe, healthy
communities and a sustainable environment.
Honourable John van Dongen
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
February 4, 2004