Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
Ministry Overview  
Strategic Context  
Planning Context  
Core Business Areas  
Goals, Objectives and Strategies  
Performance Measures and Targets  
Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission  
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
Resource Summary  
Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Appendix — Service Plan Overview of the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection  

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Budget 2003 Home  

2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan

The ministry is continuing to refine its Information Resource Management Plan, which is linked to both the ministry’s strategic and operational processes. The ministry has established a Systems and Information Planning Committee (SIP) to ensure efficient and effective delivery of ministry technology services and business solutions. SIP ensures mechanisms are in place for implementing the effective use of technology across the ministry. SIP also advises the executive on the actions required to meet the ministry’s information management needs. All ministry applications are hosted by the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, which also collects and integrates data and provides information access for the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.

Objective: Improved internal and external electronic information and service delivery.

Performance Measures:

  • Increased public access to environmental data, recreational opportunities, proposed regulatory changes, guidelines and industrial activities.
  • Streamlined processing of authorization applications.
Strategy Key Actions Timeline
Provide real-time public access through the web to environmental data (e.g., data pertaining to air, water and land quality and species inventories), recreational opportunities (e.g., hunting and angling information, park use permits), proposed regulatory changes, guidelines and industrial activities.

Inventory all ministry applications.

Enhance existing web sites.



Consolidate ministry authorization applications (e.g., fishing and hunting licences, hunting permits, park use permits, waste discharge permits and other authorizations including regulations).

Define business requirements.

Implement cost-effective solution for authorizations.

March 2003

April 2004

Develop or acquire software applications that support environmental standard setting and improved trend reporting. Develop or acquire additional software applications considered necessary to support environmental standard setting and improved trend reporting. March 2005

Renewal Strategy

The ministry has made significant progress in changing its business methods to accomplish the strategic shifts outlined in last year’s Service Plan. The ministry recognizes that sustaining this focus and successfully implementing significant changes in service delivery in the longer term requires a skilled and healthy workforce functioning in an environment that promotes innovation, learning and results.

Consistent with the government’s commitment to public service renewal, the ministry has developed a Renewal Strategy to foster an environment in which talented staff can thrive and grow. The strategy was developed through a collaborative process involving staff from all parts of the organization and supports this vision:

A successful organization with professional public servants who want to come to work because they are good at what they do, they feel fulfilled by what they do and are valued for the services they provide for British Columbians.

In the short term, the ministry is continuing to communicate its new direction, the organizational changes needed to successfully implement the Service Plan, and the roles and responsibilities of staff. The ministry is also taking further action to foster a work environment that is innovative, supportive and results based. Implementing the strategy’s medium- and long-term actions will enable the ministry to address issues such as leadership, succession planning, recruitment and recognition. Some priorities of the Renewal Strategy include:

Goals Objectives Key Strategies Performance Measures
We share a common understanding of our role and contributions in achieving the vision and mandate of the ministry.

Practice effective two-way communication between all levels and divisions.

Provide for a cooperative, supportive and collaborative work culture.

Clearly define the ministry’s vision and mandate and communicate the role and functions of divisions within the ministry.

Provide clarification on the meaning of “public service” and the role of a public service employee.

Number of employee performance and development plans complete
We work together to get the best results in a dynamic and supportive environment.

Support our people so that they may achieve the best results in their work.

Support a healthy workplace.

Provide for a cooperative and collaborative work culture.

Encourage and support a positive work environment and promote productive work relationships between staff. Employee satisfaction with the ministry as a place to work (e.g., response to an annual staff survey)
We invest in staff to ensure that we have what is needed to do our job effectively, today and in the future.

Support our people so that they may achieve the best results in their work.

Provide for strong and inspired leaders, both today and in the future.

Plan and manage succession.

Support employee development through learning and other opportunities.

Develop managers’ skills and provide tools and training for effective management practices.

Develop strategies to continuously update staff knowledge and capabilities for the future needs of the ministry.

Retention rate

Absenteeism rates

Number of internal applicants for career advancement

The services and the way in which we provide them are valued inside and outside the ministry. Recognize and reward people for their contribution to the public service. Provide a recognition process for staff, the public and other stakeholders to acknowledge ministry employees for their service and contributions. Level of approval by outside sources (e.g., response to an annual client survey)


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