2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
Environmental Appeal Board and
Forest Appeals Commission
The Environmental Appeal Board (Board) and Forest Appeals Commission
(Commission) are independent, quasi-judicial tribunals jointly administered
by the same office. They hear appeals of government decisions under
several provincial statutes concerned with natural resource management,
environmental quality and public health protection. Although these
agencies operate independently from the ministry, their budget vote
is the responsibility of the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Therefore, they are not considered one of the core business areas
accountable to the Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection; but
they are included in the Resource Summary of this Service
The mandate and services of the Board and Commission are being
reviewed as part of the Administrative Justice Project, a review
of the province’s administrative justice system initiated by the
Attorney General. In Phase I of the review, the government concluded
that the Board and the Commission serve a compelling public purpose
by providing an impartial forum for the resolution of disputes.
The government also concluded that the agencies could improve their
efficiency by fully consolidating their operations. The Board and Commission have submitted a Phase II report to the
Attorney General and are awaiting the results. They are drafting
legislation to implement the consolidation.