Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
Strategic Context  

Goals and Core Business Areas

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets  
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
Resource Summary  
Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Appendix I — Fees and Licenses  
Appendix II — Crown Corporations and Commissions  

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Ministry of Transportation
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Transportation

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and Targets

This section describes the objectives and strategies that have been devised to support each ministry goal, along with performance measures and targets that will allow British Columbians to evaluate the ministry’s success.

Goal 1: B.C. is provided with a safe and reliable highway system.

Objectives Strategies
The provincial highway system is maintained to a high standard through the efficient and effective administration of road and bridge maintenance contracts. • By October 2004, tender and award all road and bridge maintenance contracts under the process established in 2002/03.
• Implement the Contractor Assessment Program, a new and improved procedure for auditing the delivery of contracted highway maintenance activities. The program incorporates staff audits and reports, and reflects input from stakeholders.
B.C.’s main highways are preserved in their current condition — that is, not allowed to deteriorate. • Regularly assess the condition of the main highways.
• Rehabilitate the main highways according to a long-term strategy and using the most cost-effective methods.
Improved road access for resource industries and rural residents. • Increase annual investment in northern and heartland road reconstruction by $75 million in 2003/04 through 2005/06.
Improved highway safety. • Monitor highway safety and implement corrective measures in high-risk locations, in consultation with regional transportation advisory committees.

Goal 2: Key transportation infrastructure is improved to drive economic growth and trade.

Objectives Strategies
Effective use of regional and local input in setting transportation priorities. • Work with the regional transportation advisory committees, which represent B.C.’s local governments, businesses and transportation industry groups.
• Continue to partner with local governments on transportation improvements.
A practical, long-term framework for an integrated, multi-modal transportation system in B.C. • Deliver a high-level integrated provincial transportation strategy by March 31, 2004.
Best use of available provincial investment dollars. • Develop public-private partnerships, in consultation with Partnerships BC.
• Aggressively seek federal government funding for projects.
• Pursue alternatives such as design/build/develop to capture land value in funding transportation improvements.
• Complete projects on budget and on time, using the best project management practices.
Improved service and mobility in urban areas and major trade corridors. • Focus cost-shared investment on areas of economic and trade opportunity.
• Maximize highway safety and reliability through low-cost improvements (signage, lighting, lane markings, etc.)
• Balance landowner access to main highways with the mobility needs of long-distance users.

Goal 3: Improved competitiveness for B.C.’s transportation industries.

Objectives Strategies
Effective alternate service delivery by the private sector to encourage economic activity. • Complete the privatization of selected operations (sign shop, electrical operations, pavement marking, radio systems and inland ferries) by March 31, 2004.
• Complete the commercialization of rest areas to reduce costs.
• Establish full cost recovery options for the rural subdivision approvals process.
• Ensure the rural subdivision approvals program is made available for transfer to all regional districts that express interest, effective April 1, 2004.
A one-third reduction in the provincial regulatory burden on the public, industry and stakeholders by June 30, 2004. • Work for the relevant legislation and Orders-in-Council to be in place by June 2004.
Simplified licensing and processing procedures for commercial transportation carriers, with safety as the primary criterion. • Reduce the number of motor carrier licensing regulations by an initial 20 per cent by March 31, 2004.
• Streamline procedures for assessing motor carrier license applications.
• Work with the commercial trucking industry and neighbouring jurisdictions to implement technological improvements that will reduce time spent at weigh scales.
• Consider the administration of weight and size restrictions as a means to maximizing the trucking industry’s ability to move goods and create economic activity.
Reduction or elimination of third party regulations and policies that impede B.C.’s ability to compete with other jurisdictions in the transportation market. • Work with the Vancouver International Airport Authority (YVRAA) to encourage the federal government to adopt a policy of liberalized international air agreements that would allow more carriers to stop in Vancouver and either pick up or drop off passengers and goods. This would be negotiated on a reciprocal basis with other countries, especially the U.S.
• Work with YVRAA and the Vancouver Port Authority to facilitate seamless connecting transportation for cruise ship passengers, and to identify strategies to compete effectively with Seattle for cruise ship traffic.

Goal 4: Achieve excellence in customer service, and be recognized as a good employer.

Objectives Strategies
Excellent service is provided to all British Columbians. • Undertake annual surveys of customer satisfaction, and compare survey results with baseline data to ensure customer needs are met. Baseline data was developed in 2002 through surveys of highway users and of 22 specified client groups.
• Use survey results and public feedback to improve customer service related processes and procedures.
Employees are provided with the support, training and working environment that motivates them to excel at their jobs. • Implement the ministry’s Human Resource Management/People Plan to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.

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Performance Measures and Targets

The ministry assesses its performance using results-based performance targets and measures. This allows us to track our progress in achieving goals and objectives.

Goal 1: B.C. is provided with a safe and reliable highway system.

Objective: The provincial highway system is maintained to a high standard through the efficient and effective administration of road and bridge maintenance contracts.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Contractor Assessment Program:

• Rating of the maintenance contractors’ performance with a maximum score of 1
0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91

The ministry is refining its system for measuring the performance of road and bridge maintenance contractors. The new process will more accurately measure compliance with maintenance contracts and incorporate local and regional audits, and road user satisfaction ratings obtained through stakeholder assessments.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Highway Maintenance:

• Maintenance cost per lane kilometre
$4,180 $4,170 $4,140 $4,210

Maintenance cost figures now include the cost of road and bridge maintenance contracts and other maintenance activities performed by ministry staff. Costs go down in the first two years and start to increase in the third because maintenance contract reductions are to be implemented in the first two years and the third year target allows for inflation.

The previous measure of the number of lane kilometres of road maintained has been dropped as it was influenced by changes in the ministry’s road inventory, and hence it was not a good measure of ministry performance. Similarly, the previous measures for Pavement Marking are no longer reported as the actual results are influenced by the costs of materials, which are beyond the control of the ministry.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target

• Total closures on main highways
Under development Under development Under development Under development

This measure was presented as “under development” in the previous three-year service plan. Implementation will require the setting of an appropriate target for minimizing the duration of both planned and unplanned highway closures, and the adoption of an improved data collection system. The system will be developed by March 31, 2004, and data collection will commence in 2004/05.

Objective: B.C.’s main highways are preserved in their current condition — that is, not allowed to deteriorate.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Pavement Condition:

• % of kilometres where condition is good or excellent
76% 76% 76% 76%

The performance measures for Pavement Condition in the previous three-year service plan were split into primary and secondary highways. There is now one combined measure for main highways. As a result of investment in expansion capital, the baseline condition of pavement improved during 2002/03.

Photographs of pavement conditions -- good, fair, poor.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Bridge Condition:

• % of bridges where condition is good or excellent
80% 80% 80% 80%

As a result of investment in expansion capital, the baseline condition of bridges improved during 2002/03.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Highway Rehabilitation:

• Number of lane kilometres resurfaced
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500

Objective: Improved road access for resource industries and rural residents.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Surface Condition:

• % of kilometres where condition is good or excellent
34% 37% 40% 43%
Number of lane kilometres treated N/A 870 870 870

The above measures apply to northern and heartland roads only.

Objective: Improved highway safety.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target

Highway Safety:

• Number of kilometres of rumble strip installed
223 230 230 230
• Number of kilometres of new guardrail installed





The measures of highway fatalities and serious injuries included in the previous service plan were beyond the ministry’s control and the reporting standard was uneven. These new measures will reflect assessments performed by the ministry and its agents.

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Goal 2: Key transportation infrastructure is improved to drive economic growth and trade.

Objective: Effective use of regional and local input in setting transportation priorities.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Documented input from Regional Transportation Advisory Committees Establish committees and terms of reference Solicit input; review and incorporate input Evaluate committee effectiveness Evaluate committee effectiveness

Input from the Committees will be incorporated into the annual and three-year transportation investment plans. Committee effectiveness will be evaluated based on 1) value added to investment planning and programs and 2) feedback from Committee members.

Objective: A practical long-term framework for an integrated, multi-modal transportation system in B.C.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Status of strategic framework document Complete technical work and consultations Publish document by March 31, 2004 Review and update document, and use for input to program decisions Review and update document, and use for input to program decisions

Objective: Best use of available provincial investment dollars.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Partnerships investment leveraged:

• Private investment capital leveraged through public-private partnerships, plus defrayed or reduced costs from efficient land use





Federal funding investment leveraged:

• Capital investment from federal government programs





Capital project performance:

• % of work completed on budget





• % of work completed on schedule 100% 100% 100% 100%

Objective: Improved service and mobility in urban areas and major trade corridors.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Level of traffic congestion:

• % of vehicle-kilometres travelled in congested conditions





Baseline measure for level of traffic congestion is from 2001 calendar year data. 2002 data will be available in April 2003. Future year targets show congestion worsening over time due to increasing population and travel demand. Reduced congestion is expected after 2006, as the benefits of major transportation improvements are realized.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Commercial trucking travel time between major economic gateways Under development Under development Under development Under development

Work is ongoing to determine the best method of reporting on this measure. Indications are that the measure will rely upon data from private trucking firms; however, the feasibility of this approach remains to be confirmed. The ministry is working with the BC Trucking Association and the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority to determine what can be achieved.

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Goal 3: Improved competitiveness for B.C.’s transportation industries.

Objective: Effective alternate service delivery by the private sector to encourage economic activity.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Effective privatization of ministry functions Under development Under development Under development Under development

The performance measures in the previous three-year service plan pertaining to Inland Ferries may not be accurate measures of achievement under a privatized model of service delivery. The ministry is developing alternative performance measures for privatized services. Services to be privatized include the sign shop, electrical operations, pavement marking, radio systems and inland ferries.

Objective: A one-third reduction of the provincial regulatory burden on the public, industry and stakeholders by June 30, 2004.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
% reduction in legislation, regulations and policies 1,444 regulatory requirements Reduce by an initial 10% Achieve two-year target of 33% reduction Review need for further targets

Examples of obsolete regulatory requirements include:

1) Section 172 of the Railway Act, which requires railway stations to write, in white chalk, time schedules on blackboards posted outside station houses (applicable in late 1800s); and

2) Section 202 of the Motor Vehicle Act, which requires that a person must not “race with or drive furiously a horse or other animal” on any highway.

Objective: Simplified licensing and processing procedures for commercial transportation carriers, with safety as the primary criterion.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
% reduction in the number of motor carrier regulatory requirements 824 regulatory requirements Reduce by an initial 20% Achieve two-year target of 33% reduction Review need for further targets

Example of an obsolete regulatory requirement:

Section 8.33 of the Motor Carrier Act, which requires that the schedule of rates for all passenger vehicles “shall be printed or typewritten on good quality paper, shall be of a size not less than 8 by 11 inches and shall be serially numbered ..."

Objective: Reduction or elimination of third party regulations and policies that impede B.C.’s ability to compete with other jurisdictions in the transportation market.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Progress toward implementation of an amended Canada-U.S. air travel agreement N/A Develop a negotiating strategy and obtain support Implement strategy and report on results N/A

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Goal 4: Achieve excellence in customer service, and be recognized as a good employer.

Objective: Excellent service is provided to all British Columbians.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
In surveys, highway users’ satisfaction with existing ministry services and delivery processes, rated on a scale of 1 to 10 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.8

Objective: Employees are provided with the support, training and working environment that motivates them to excel at their jobs.

Performance Measure Baseline 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Employee satisfaction survey:

• Survey of employee satisfaction with organizational improvements


Establish baseline

10% improvement from baseline

10% improvement from 2004/05

Targets may be modified once baseline is established.


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