Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Public Service Employee Relations Commission

Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan

The Commission’s IT/IM strategic priorities are identified in the Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP). The IRMP identifies system initiatives to meet business goals, objectives and strategies laid out in this Service Plan. Please note that these Commission system initiatives are in the assessment phase and subject to funding approval.

The Commission is reviewing a number of projects aimed at leveraging of its investment in the PeopleSoft Human Resource Management System (HRMS). The Commission will take on a client role as the PeopleSoft application is now operated under Payroll Shared Services. PeopleSoft projects will be scoped and implemented by a long-term development partner.

The Commission is looking to standardize and streamline business practices and implement technology allowing it to offer services “better, faster and cheaper.” Using these business drivers, the Commission’s overall IT/IM strategies are aimed at:

  • Increasing system integration and eliminate duplicate information stored amongst many external legacy systems
  • Standardizing IT architecture, maintenance and support requirements, reducing total cost of ownership and retiring “legacy” applications
  • Automating manual and paper-based notification processes to enhance and improve the workflow among relevant parties
  • Addressing corporate business needs by making use of licenses PeopleSoft functionality not currently implemented
  • Reducing the duplicate efforts for transactional tasks by enabling employees and line managers with Self Service functionality

Drilling down to specific business functions addressed in the Service Plan, the following IT/IM system strategies have been developed:

Business Function System Strategies
Employee Learning The Commission is assessing system options aimed at streamlining the training and enrollment process by providing employees with the web-based functionality to search course catalogues, request training and have that training approved through workflow. In the longer-term, this system may be linked to a comprehensive learning management system that includes e-learning and content management capabilities
Compensation & Classification The Commission is assessing system options aimed at enhancing government’s ability to analyze, report and make decisions within the classification process as well as enhance the ability to design compensation programs. The Commission is enhancing our E-Classification application to match new competency profiles and job demands. The Commission is also assessing web-based applications aimed at providing managers with the functionality to automatically create real-time organization charts
Recruitment & Selection The Commission’s new web-based workflow management tool will standardize and streamline the end-to-end staffing process across government. The Commission is now assessing system options aimed at automating the staffing process and consolidating all data in one repository. The Commission is also assessing employee and manager self-service functionality that will provide applicants and employees the ability to search and apply for positions online and allow managers to take ownership over the end-to-end hiring process
Performance Management The Commission is assessing system options to centralize performance review information and implement a standardized framework for assessing performance and defining career goals that are tied to competencies and proficiency levels. The strategy will also look at automatic links with employee learning tools, succession planning and 360 feedback
Employee Programs The Commission is assessing third party solutions for web-based Workers Compensation Board reporting and solutions to automate claims management
Benefits Administration The Commission is assessing system options aimed at reducing the time taken by employees and clerks processing the paperwork for benefits choices, dependents and beneficiaries information (employee self-service). The strategy is also looking to automate the process of benefits enrollment, eligibility checks, printing of enrollment forms and termination of benefits
Human Resource Data Management & Corporate Reporting The Commission is assessing system options aimed at consolidating all current and historical data from government HR systems into a corporate warehouse and providing government with the ability to run reports and analytics on the standardized workforce data to aid in decision making

PSERC Human Resource Management Plan

Overview and Highlights

The Commission has developed a Human Resource Management Plan (HRMP) to support the achievement of the Commission’s goals. This plan reflects the government and Commission vision, service and business planning initiatives and the six goals set out in the Corporate Human Resource Plan: 1) proactive and visionary leadership; 2) performance focused workforce; 3) flexible and motivating work environment; learning and innovative organization; 5) effective people strategy; and 6) progressive employee-employer relations.

Some highlights of the Commission’s plans for human resource management include:

  • the establishment of a Change Team to manage the transition of HR staff from ministries into the HR organization;
  • the development and implementation of a strategic communications plan;
  • the implementation of change management sessions for all HR staff in the province;
  • the engagement of HR staff on project activities;
  • the development of a portfolio framework and assessment process for staff to be considered for new roles in the HR organization;
  • the development of a set of competency profiles for use in the development of new staff.

[A copy of the Commission’s HRMP can be viewed at the Commission’s website: www.pserc.gov.bc.ca]


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