2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Health Planning
Since June 2001 the government has been introducing ambitious and
wide ranging health system reforms. The innovations and improvements
associated with these reforms reflect the government's desire to
create a publicly-funded health services system that:
is patient-centred;
provides accessible, high quality services;
results in improved health and wellness; and
is sustainable and affordable over the long term.
This service plan for the Ministry of Health Planning (MOHP) and
its companion document the service plan for the Ministry of Health
Services (MOHS) continues with reform efforts started in 2001. It
sets out the priority strategies for the healthcare system for the
next three years and articulates the respective responsibilities
of the Ministries of Health and their health system partners in
achieving these priorities. These strategies support the attainment
of the government's goals and strategic objectives as well as fulfill
our obligations under the First Ministers' Accord on Health Renewal.
To reflect the corresponding roles of the two ministries, elements
of this plan — the vision, mission, values, ministry goals,
planning context and core businesses — are also included in
the service plan for the Ministry of Health Services. Each plan
also shares common goals and objectives. However, most strategies
and performance measures are different, reflecting the separate
roles each ministry has in meeting common goals. The reader is therefore
reminded to review the two ministries' plans in unison.