Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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Minister's Letter  
Accountability Statement  
Strategic Context  
Goals and Core Business Areas  
Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Core Business Areas and Performance Measures  
Consistency with Government Strategic Plan  
Resource Summary  
Summary of Related Planning Processes  
Appendix: Changes to Performance Measures and Performance Targets  

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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Finance

Summary of Related Planning Processes

Information Resource Management Plan (IRMP) Summary

Information management and technology planning is critical to achieving the objectives in this service plan. The Ministry of Finance will undertake the following strategic information management and technology investments:

  • Debt Management System: will support proactive debt and derivative portfolio management and performance measurement
  • Electronic Banking Initiatives: projects that increase the client base for e-banking services such as Internet Payments, telephone/PC banking services and pre-authorized debit, and projects to develop new services such as Internet debit card payment, and electronic bill presentment and payment
  • Corporate Online (COLIN): development to support the new Business Corporations Act
  • Personal Property Registry: re-development using current technologies to enable greater ease of use by clients; this system allows electronic notice filing of encumbrances created against personal property
  • Payment Review System: development of a post-payment audit system
  • Internal Audit and Advisory Services: development and implementation of a project tracking system
  • Enterprise Risk Management System: will support implementation of enterprise-wide risk management practices and processes

The ministry will continue to identify and support the development of information sharing and cross-government systems. For example, involvement in the single business number initiative, development of new e-banking services, and intended participation in the Electronic Document and Records Management System pilot. In addition, the ministry will support electronic service delivery, mindful of security management requirements. This could be accomplished through implementation of a self-service model for access to the corporate and personal property registries, provision of financial and economic reports, conversion from paper forms to electronic forms, development and implementation of an electronic record and document management strategy, and facilitation of electronic financial transactions. The ministry will also promote greater access to information of public interest through electronic means.

Human Resource Management Plan Summary

Further to last year’s service plan, the Ministry of Finance has made significant progress in the development of its Human Resource Management Plan (HRMP).

This plan has been updated to reflect the key elements of the Corporate Human Resource Plan as well as the Ministry of Finance’s overall vision and philosophy. While the HRMP is built around the Corporate Human Resource Plan goals, the objectives, strategies, performance measures, and targets remain specific to the ministry.

Development of the HRMP involved input from all levels within the Ministry of Finance. In April 2002, the ministry established a working committee to lead the revision of our HRMP and, through this committee, provided a draft version of the plan to all staff for input and comment. Based on the feedback received, the ministry released a revised version of the HRMP in June 2002.

In September 2002, the ministry commissioned an employee survey to obtain the necessary baseline data required to actively implement the HRMP. As part of this confidential survey, employees were asked to answer more than 50 questions regarding a number of workplace factors and were given the opportunity to make confidential comments and provide feedback. 82 per cent of employees completed the survey. Following the release of the survey’s full results, all staff and executive were asked to contribute to the development of the ministry’s human resource priorities and actions as outlined below. Further expansion of the ministry HR goals, strategies, measures and targets are available in the HRMP.

Ministry of Finance Human Resource Priorities
and Actions

Goal: Proactive and visionary leadership
Priority Action
Communication and direction from executive Provide regular communication from executive in memos, meetings, and retreats
Goal: Flexible and motivating work environment
Priority Action
A. Flexibility Support flexible work arrangements that encourage a work-life balance
B. Recognition Divisions and branches will provide appropriate recognition to all staff levels throughout the year
Goal: Learning and innovative organization
Priority Action
Training and development Support training and career development opportunities that enable staff to enhance service quality and employee satisfaction and increase competencies in the public service

The Ministry of Finance is committed to ensuring the specific actions identified in the HRMP are addressed and the human resource performance targets are met. A follow-up employee survey is planned for Fall 2003 to measure progress against the HRMP.


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