2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE
Ministry of Finance
Appendix: Changes to Performance Measures and Performance Targets
The ministry has made several changes to the performance measures
and targets included in last year’s Service Plan 2002/03 –
2004/05. Changes include the addition of new measures as well
as the discontinuation or revision of existing measures and the
adjustment of targets to reflect the most recent information available.
A brief description of the nature and rationale for each of the
changes undertaken is provided below:
Performance Measures
New Performance
Compensation cost changes over
2002/03 compensation base (excluding previously existing contracts)
An indicator of the effective
management of public sector compensation costs
Days lost due to labour disruption
in the BC Public Sector
An indicator of the provincial
labour market environment
Per cent annual growth in business
An indicator of British Columbia’s
business development climate
Potential average annual benefits
realized from utilizing a risk-based approach for post-payment
monitoring of expenditures and by management implementing Internal
Audit and Advisory Services recommendations
An indicator of the financial
impact of these Office of the Comptroller General initiatives
and recommendations
Stakeholders’ satisfaction
with the policy framework for financial management
An indicator of service quality
for financial management frameworks amongst key stakeholder
Alignment of Estimates, Budgets,
and core business areas
An indicator of the level of
integration between organizational performance planning and
performance budgeting
Percentage of staff satisfied
that leadership learning and development strategies and/or opportunities
are available
An indicator of staff development
and organizational health
Percentage of staff with a
current Employee Performance and Development Plan (EPDP)
An indicator of effective human
resource management, staff development, and organizational alignment
Percentage of staff who agree
that learning and development opportunities are accessible
An indicator of staff development
and organizational health
Performance Measures
Number of P3/ASD projects
initiated with financing in place
Partnerships British Columbia
has been created so the measure is no longer relevant to the
Rank relative to other provinces
of the growth of real GDP per capita
Measure is methodologically
limited. Statistics Canada’s results are by fiscal year; accordingly,
current year figures are estimates based upon an average of
independent forecasters’ GDP growth rates and Statistics Canada’s
population projections.
Percentage of time the corporate
financial system is available
Responsibility for the Corporate
Accounting System has been transferred to the Shared Services
Revised Performance
Number of regulatory
The regulatory requirements
associated with ICBC have not been included in the measure given
that ICBC will provide full disclosure in their agency Service
Plan. Segregation of the regulatory requirements by the responsible
reporting entity improves the transparency and accountability
of the measure.
Provincial credit rating (Standard
& Poor’s)
The source has been changed
to Moody’s Investors Service because inter-provincial comparators
are more similar in definition to the measures that the province
and the Auditor General use. In addition, Moody’s publishes
this data early each summer, which assists with more timely
reporting of results.
Debt to GDP ratio (DBRS)
See above re: Moody’s Investors
Debt service costs (cents per
revenue dollar) (DBRS)
See above re: Moody’s Investors
Incremental savings from self-insurance
Annual savings may be subject
to significant fluctuations. Adoption of a 5 year rolling average
will provide more accurate trendline reporting
Performance Targets
Performance Targets
Percentage of company incorporations
and registrations filed electronically
Decreased by 5 percentage points
to 85%
Decreased by 10 percentage
points to 90%
Achievement of the 100% completion
target remains dependent upon client access to, and acceptance
of, electronic registrations. At this time a small number of
clients are not expected to shift to the adoption of electronic
registrations by 2004/05.
Percentage of responses to
ministerial correspondence completed within two weeks
Decreased by 10 percentage
points to 70%
No change
The 2001/02 baseline of 60%
included in the Service Plan 2002/03 was not accurate. Subsequent
analysis determined that the baseline for 2001/02 was 15%.