Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Advanced Education

Photograph -- Honourable Shirley Bond. It is my pleasure to present the Ministry of Advanced Education’s service plan for the next three fiscal years.

The creation of a top-notch education system to support economic and social development is a priority for this government and for all British Columbians. The Ministry of Advanced Education has the lead in making this vision a reality. This document provides a clear outline of the path the Ministry will follow to strengthen British Columbia’s post-secondary education and training system in the coming years.

In this New Era of greater accountability, the service plan’s purpose is twofold: not only does it set out expectations for the Ministry’s performance, it also provides a framework against which the work of the Ministry may be clearly and impartially measured.

Our goal is a post-secondary education system that is of high quality, is open, accessible and affordable to both students and taxpayers, and offers British Columbians the education and training they need to pursue their goals and take advantage of new opportunities in a changing economy.

We are fortunate to have a strong foundation for post-secondary education in this province. Together with our post-secondary partners, both public and private, we will build upon this in the years ahead.

Hon. Shirley Bond
Minister of Advanced Education

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I am pleased to present the Minister of Advanced Education with the Ministry of Advanced Education service plan for the 2003/04 to 2005/06 fiscal years. This plan presents the goals, objectives, priorities and strategies that will direct Ministry activities over the next three years.

This plan is a key element of our accountability to British Columbians. In accordance with the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act, it represents our commitment to the free flow of information regarding government planning and performance.

The service plan for the past fiscal year challenged the Ministry of Advanced Education to complete many changes to the post-secondary system. This included creating more choice for students and providing a more integrated system that links more effectively to the public interest and the economy, while providing accountability to taxpayers.

This year’s service plan continues to move the post-secondary system in this direction. In addition, the Ministry has developed, with the assistance of post-secondary institutions, a number of measures that will provide an accurate reflection of how the system is progressing towards meeting the goals and objectives stated in the plan.

The Ministry, along with its education and private sector partners, is committed to continuing to improve the post-secondary system in British Columbia so that we are in a secure position to succeed in the 21st century.

Gerry Armstrong


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