Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Advanced Education

Resource Summary

Operating Expenses ($000)
Educational Institutions and Organizations 1,407,232 1,400,805 1,378,870 1,388,290
Industry Training and Apprenticeship 71,250 73,781 74,481 74,181
Student Financial Assistance Programs 156,756 165,429 182,225 188,995
Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances 239,100 236,500 243,120 256,730
Executive and Support Services 24,669 22,492 20,311 20,811
Totals 1,899,007 1,899,007 1,899,007 1,929,007
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
Educational Institutions and Organizations 65 63
Industry Training and Apprenticeship 62 31
Student Financial Assistance Programs 89 93
Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances
Executive and Support Services 62 50
Totals 278 237 213 213
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Educational Institutions and Organizations
Industry Training and Apprenticeship 850 190
Student Financial Assistance Programs
Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances
Executive and Support Services 1,640 2,380 3,370 1,905
Totals 2,490 2,570 3,370 1,905
Consolidated Capital Plan (CCP) ($000)
Prepaid Capital Advances — Funds are provided to universities, colleges, institutes and agencies for approved capital costs of new buildings, renovations and improvements and capital leases 200,350 212,410 210,398 163,221
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
British Columbia Student Loan Program — Disbursements represent loans provided to students under the BC Student Assistance Program. Receipts represent principal repayments on outstanding loans.







Receipts 5,067 8,989 9,420 9,880
Disbursements 148,394 208,545 163,605 171,785
Net Cash Source (Requirement) (143,327) (199,556) (154,185) (161,905)
*   Note: Financial, human resources, information resources, administrative services, freedom of information and privacy services, and general services and assistance are provided to the Ministry of Advanced Education by the Management Services Division whose estimates are located with the Ministry of Education.
1   These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2003/04 Estimates. Schedule A, Consolidated Revenue Fund Expense, FTE and Capital Expenditure Reconciliation’s — 2002/03, of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.

Major Capital Projects — UBC Life Sciences Centre:


The Life Sciences Centre (LSC) at UBC, in conjunction with the Island Medical Project at UVic and the Northern Medical Project at UNBC, responds to government’s commitment to address the current shortage of health-care professionals in B.C. Along with minor renovation projects funded by the Ministry of Health Services, these will provide the facilities infrastructure required to almost double the annual number of medical graduates in B.C.


The LSC is to be designed and constructed at the UBC Point Grey Campus for a total government capital cost of $109,980,277. This is in addition to the program expansion start-up costs, faculty ramp-up costs and on-going FTE costs (all part of government operating costs).


Capital costs will provide for a new facility of 40,513 gross square metres at the UBC Campus (adding 5% to UBC’s total campus inventory). The facility will provide classrooms, teaching and research laboratories, communications networks, study space, an animal care facility and space for the expansion of faculty and support services. The facility will also incorporate the Centre for Blood Research, which is to be partially funded by the BC Knowledge Development Fund. Once completed, the project will allow for consolidation and replacement of existing obsolete facilities to provide expansion of other professional health-care programs in consequential moves, consistent with New Era commitments and UBC’s long-range strategic campus plan.

Risks and Commitment:

UBC is assuming the full risk for delivering the LSC on time for the September 2004 student intake, to the minimum net assignable space as costed through the University Capital Budget Model, and within the provincial budget. If the project experiences any cost overrun, it will be covered by UBC from sources unrelated to any form of provincial grant or tuition.


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