Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.
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2003/04 – 2005/06 SERVICE PLAN
Ministry of Advanced Education

Summary of Related Planning Processes

A. Human Resource Management Plan

Ministry Goals and Objectives

Goal 1 — Employee Learning

To establish a culture within the Ministry that supports continuous learning.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Identify the key executive principles and long-term commitments to enhance the employee learning culture.
  2. Develop both skilled managers who provide strong leadership, and informed employees who take ownership of and make contributions to continual learning.
  3. Establish work exchange program between Ministry and post-secondary institutions

Goal 2 — Workforce Adjustment

A timely reduction of the workforce and realignment of staff to support reduced Ministry core activities.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Identify the workforce adjustment and organizational impacts of budget and core services review.
  2. Ensure the workforce adjustment process is consistent with identified key principles and existing collective agreement.

Goal 3 — Public Service Renewal

Support the Renewal Initiative in order to renew, revitalize and sustain a professional public service workforce.

Strategic Objectives

  1. Enhance management leadership.
  2. Emphasize learning and development (see also Goal 1)
  3. Establish and maintain a work place where employees feel motivated, supported and valued.
  4. Establish a strategic human resources advisory capacity in the Ministry, in conjunction with the new centralized human resources agency.
  5. Sustain efforts to develop a workforce that recognizes the diversity of the BC population.

Performance Measures and Targets: 2003/04 – 2005/06

Goal 1 — Employee Learning

Strategies Performance

• Increase employee access to and availability of developmental and job skill opportunities.

• Develop and conduct a core competency program for managers including (but not limited to) change management and leadership skills training.

• Development of ministry, division and branch training plans to ensure effective utilization of job-related and developmental training opportunities while meeting business objectives arising from core service review proposals.

• Training expenditures per employee, for job related and developmental training, compared to past base line.

• Sample survey of employees asking about developmental opportunities and the existence of a learning culture in the Ministry.

• Establish and consistently communicate supporting principles.

• Complete suite of change and leadership core training curriculum with report on number of managers enrolled.

• Percentage of staff receiving training and related information.

Goal 2 — Workforce Adjustment

Strategies Performance

• Develop organizational design strategies to meet objectives of core services review and identify redundant positions.

• Participate in the workforce adjustment processes as coordinated by PSERC.

• Continue regular and timely communication with all levels of staff and their designated representatives.

• Successful change in workforce required to meet budget and core decisions.

Goal 3 — Public Service Renewal



• Develop an organizational and learning plan to support core business.

• Conduct performance management reviews.

• Promote employee recognition.

• Prepare competency and succession information for key positions.

• Establish a strong working environment under new human resources shared services concept.

• Ensure employment and advancement systems are bias free.

• Promote workplace awareness and appreciation for diversity within work units and among the clients served.

• Complete competencies-based information and develop staff toward future promotion.

• Significant change in human resource service delivery.

• A work environment seen as welcoming and valuing diversity.

• Ministry staff members assigned to strategic human resources services

Priorities for short-term implementation:

Strategies Performance Measures/Outcomes/Indicators
1) Performance planning

2) Orientation sessions

3) Learning and developmental plans

• 100% of excluded employees have received recent performance evaluations. Continue implementation amongst bargaining unit employees.

• Orientation session offered to all new employees within 6 months of hire date.

• See Goal 1 above.

B. Information Resource Management Plan

Information Management Directions

  1. Service Delivery via the Web — Deliver better service to the Ministry’s customers by providing multiple means of access to its programs, including use of the Internet and interactive voice response (phone) systems. This will reduce application turnaround time, reduce errors and decrease the amount of data entry.
  2. More Financial Accountability — All new application development initiatives are aligned more closely with the Finance and Administration Services Branch (FASB) to ensure financial requirements are included in systems design.
  3. Data Definitions and Standards (DDEF) initiative — A joint project of the Ministry and participating public post-secondary education institutions to establish data standards for post-secondary administrative reporting. This initiative will ensure that data submitted by public institutions are consistent, creating a foundation for meaningful cross-institution statistics.
  4. Corporate Data — The Ministry has begun the process of identifying corporate data used across branches of the Ministry or government. Work is being done to try to store enterprise data in one location to reduce duplication of data and increase consistency in information and reporting.
  5. Records Management and E-documents — Electronic versions of correspondence related to student loans are available to student loan applicants securely via the Web.

Major Projects

Description Output/Outcome
Information Systems Plan — Target March 2003

The information systems plan will align the Ministry’s data and information systems to fully support the Ministry’s new business goals and objectives at the executive, managerial and operational levels.

• Prioritized system initiatives based on an objective review of Ministry business

• Plan for aligning Ministry data and information systems to support business goals and priorities

• Plan for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in the management of Ministry information.

Internet Loan Application
Release 4 —

Target: May 2003

The Internet Loan Application will allow students to apply for student financial assistance online.

• Easier to use and increased processing efficiency.

• Pilot online applications for BC private post-secondary institutions

Student Financial Assistance System (SFAS) Enhancements — Target: May 2003.

Each year, enhancements are made to SFAS to reflect changes in program policy and/or to improve processing efficiencies. These enhancements must be completed by May each year, as this is when the new student loan application for the upcoming program year is released.

• Reduced data entry by staff

• Improved financial assistance process


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