Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 3: A provincial land reserve system that considers community interests

Objective 3.1: Increased awareness of community issues within the Reserve
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Build regional responsiveness of the Commission to community issues through increased presence in the regions

2. Meet with local governments and others to discuss community issues and ways to accommodate them while respecting the Commission's mandate

# of Commission panel meeting days in regions Maintain 2002/2003 #
Objective 3.2: Community issues and needs factored into decision-making
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Consider community issues when making decisions

2. Work with local governments to address community needs, particularly through community planning processes

3. Develop processes for dispute resolution when conflicts are unresolved between Commission and a local government

% of applications approved for which community need is a factor Establish baseline 2003/04
Objective 3.3: Increased participation of local governments and public authorities in ALR decision-making under delegated authority
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Meet with local governments to promote the benefits of shared decision-making under delegated authority

2. Negotiate delegation agreements in priority areas with interested and supportive local governments and public authorities

# of delegation agreements with local governments

# of delegation agreements with public authorities

50% of supportive local governments have delegation powers by 2005/06

2 agreements with authorities by 2003/04

[ Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 ]

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