Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 1: Preservation of agricultural land

Objective 1.1: Lands suitable for agriculture are retained in the ALR
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Adjudicate applications based on land suitability and capability for agriculture.

2. Review the agricultural suitability of lands within the ALR as needed in response to planning reviews, changing land use trends and improved information.

Total area in ALR

Net changes in the ALR by region

Maintain ALR area and minimize net reduction
Objective 1.2: Land use changes do not significantly diminish land capability and use for agriculture
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Review and decide applications using the best available information, including site visits and meetings with applicants where possible.

2. Assess the potential impact of decisions on the land's use for agriculture.

3. Minimize the amount of suitable agricultural land excluded from the ALR or alienated by incompatible development.

Application approvals (# of ha) with significant potential impact (under development)

Minimize application approvals with significant impact

Establish baseline 2003/04

Objective 1.3: Expansion of economic opportunities for agriculture and compatible activities
Strategies Performance measures Targets

1. Consider compatible or complementary activities in the ALR in support of economic diversification

2. Where appropriate, negotiate compensating benefits for agriculture if lands are removed from the ALR or converted to non-farm use

3. Implement a results-based process for removal of soil and placement of fill on agricultural land

4. Chair to participate in Minister's Economic Council to promote economic policies.

% of applications approved for
compatible uses

% of applications approved
with compensating benefit

Estimated value (production or $ value) of resource extraction compatible with agriculture in the ALR

Establish baseline
2003/04 and
determine target


Estimated value

[ Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 ]

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