Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business Area 4 — Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development

Context: In order to achieve the economic potential of agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries, we need to manage growth in an environmentally and socially sound manner. We must take advantage of our unique opportunities to capitalize on BC’s leadership in developing and using environmentally sound management practices such as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and others.

As well, we must promote co-operation and understanding among neighbours at the rural/urban interface. While urban dwellers are concerned about some agricultural practices of neighbouring farms, the agriculture sector itself is increasingly concerned about its ability to operate effectively within municipal areas because of the impact of some local government bylaws that could limit operations by type, size or operational methods.

Some government regulations also may constrain development and investment in agriculture. The ministry works with other government ministries to address these constraints. As an example, work is continuing on provincial wildlife management policies to better balance wildlife management objectives with agricultural development objectives. Similar work is continuing on the agriculture/aquaculture industry’s access to Crown land and water, predator management, and other issues.

The ministry develops and delivers programs on best farm practices related to management of soil, waste and water. Ministry staff members also work very closely with local government officials in reviewing their bylaws to ensure they are supportive of farm operations and therefore encourage investment in their local economies.

Goal: Sustainable development of the agri-food and seafood sectors.

Outcome: Achieve economic growth in balance with environmental and social values.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Relative financial growth of operations with farm environmental plans versus historic data

Not available

Environmental farm plan program being developed

Baseline information will be developed Maintain growth in agriculture and aquaculture

Agriculture = 5%/yr. growth in farm income

Fish = 4% increase in wholesale value

Objective 1: An agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries industry that uses management practices that pose acceptable risks to the environment.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Degree to which farms use best management practices, i.e., make changes according to on-farm environmental plans or comply with standards1

Less than 10% of BC agriculture farms have implemented on-farm environmental plans

15% in aquaculture sector

Gradual increase over 3 years to 2005/06 targets

40% — agriculture sector

60% — aquaculture sector

1   See appendix for graphical representation of 10-year expectation.


  1. Develop and promote farm use of farm environmental plans (including best practices, standards, operating procedures and audit processes), in conjunction with producers, regions and agencies.
  2. Negotiate a fair share of funding through the federal/provincial Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) for environmental sustainability programs.
  3. Continue to update our standards, policies and regulations maximizing environmental performance of the aquaculture industry.
  4. Work with provincial government ministries and agencies on policies and strategies dealing with drinking water, wildlife management, weed control on Crown land and other similar issues to maximize returns from agricultural crops and livestock.

Objective 2: Create and maintain a positive regulatory climate within local government jurisdictions to encourage investment in agriculture, aquaculture and fisheries in their communities, and to encourage the use of responsible production practices.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Evaluation index* of local government policies and programs supporting agriculture and fisheries Evaluation criteria in development Baseline index established and tested 10% improvement in evaluation index 10% improvement in evaluation index
*   evaluation criteria would include: supportive farming policies in their official community plans, zoning or rural land-use bylaws that conform with specified standards, active agricultural advisory committees in place, and other items.


  1. Review local government bylaws to ensure they support farmers in using normal farm practices in order to be economically viable.
  2. Develop standards for local government bylaws to ensure bylaws are fair and supportive to agriculture.
  3. Work with local governments to develop agriculture area plans that will provide direction and guidance on actions local governments should take to enhance their local agriculture industries.
  4. Support formation and operation of local agriculture advisory committees so that agriculture issues receive priority attention from Council and Boards.

Objective 3: Increase amount and capability of Crown ALR land for agricultural production.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Production capacity of Crown ALR land for grazing Approximately 897,000 Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity — 2001 data Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity


  1. Participate with Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management in expanding the agriculture lease-to-buy program to provide greater access to crown land for agriculture, and to increase the grazing capacity of Crown range leases.

Core Business Area 2002/03 Restated
2004/05 Plan 2005/06 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000)
Operating Expenses 8,362 7,466 7,466 7,466
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
FTEs 90.5 76.5 75.0 75.0
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) $000
Capital Expenditures 140 667 686 668

Core Business Area 1 — Industry Competitiveness
Core Business Area 2 — Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Core Business Area 3 — Food Safety and Quality
Core Business Area 4 — Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development
Core Business Area 5 — Risk Management
Core Business Area 6 — Executive and Support Services


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