Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business Area 2 — Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Context: BC has a significant opportunity to expand both the aquaculture and wild fisheries sectors. Fisheries also play a significant role in history and culture of First Nations. However, constraints exist in the wild fisheries sector in management, primarily federal management practices related to conservation, and fluctuations in production. The jurisdiction of the fisheries is mixed between the federal and provincial governments.

Within aquaculture, the constraint has been limitations on expansion of existing farms, the development of additional farms and therefore inability to capture existing markets largely because of public concern on environmental issues.

In September 2002, the moratorium on finfish aquaculture was lifted, which is expected to allow sustainable growth of the aquaculture industry and create new jobs in coastal communities. There is now considerable work needed to implement and monitor new regulations, address barriers to siting, and build public confidence that the industry is employing environmentally sustainable practices. As well, discussions are underway with the federal government to increase BC’s influence over federal policies and decisions affecting the wild commercial fishery.

The challenge is to manage conflicting expectations among all those involved including the cultural and economic needs of First Nations, the economic needs of commercial fishers, and the access by the general public to sport fisheries.

All of these must be considered within the overriding accepted premise of conserving the sustainability of the fish resource.

Goal: Optimum benefits to British Columbia from fisheries and aquaculture.

Outcome: Growth in production and value of the fisheries and aquaculture industry to provide employment and new wealth in coastal communities in BC.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
% yearly growth in fisheries and aquaculture sectors (wholesale value)

$1.01 billion wholesale value (2001 data)

($1.05 billion estimate for 2002)

4%/year increase on average 4%/year increase on average 4%/year increase on average

Objective 1: An expanded aquaculture sector (finfish and shellfish) with improved financial viability and minimal environmental impact within 3 years.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Industry growth defined as volume and value of production, and # of sites

77 thousand tonnes — $287 million value

121 salmon & 455 shellfish licences

130 salmon licences

455 shellfish licences

140 salmon licences

475 shellfish licences

150 salmon licences

495 shellfish licences


  1. Relocate poorly sited finfish farms and site new finfish farms.
  2. Allow the finfish aquaculture (salmon) industry to expand by removing restrictions on development.
  3. Develop policy to encourage diversification to new finfish species.
  4. Monitor compliance with waste management and escape standards through an improved and harmonized compliance and enforcement regime.
  5. Participate in provincial shellfish land use plans by leading systematic inspections of shellfish sites.

Objective 2: Greater provincial influence over federal policy and management of the BC wild fishery to increase revenues to the BC seafood sector.

Measure 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
A new relationship with the federal government regarding provincial influence on fisheries and aquaculture decision making Several agreements in place — these are poorly operationalized; sporadic federal provincial contact at senior levels Important elements of agreements operationalized; new working relationship defined; regular federal-provincial contact at all levels Operationalize the working agreement Operationalize the working agreement


  1. Work with the federal government to establish a new working relationship to reflect current issues and needs.
Core Business Area 2002/03 Restated
2004/05 Plan 2005/06 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000)
Operating Expenses 4,871 5,146 4,532 4,532
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
FTEs 42.0 46.0 46.0 46.0
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) $000
Capital Expenditures 225 494 347 347

Core Business Area 1 — Industry Competitiveness
Core Business Area 2 — Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Core Business Area 3 — Food Safety and Quality
Core Business Area 4 — Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development
Core Business Area 5 — Risk Management
Core Business Area 6 — Executive and Support Services


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