Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values
The purpose of the ministry is to foster job creation, business development, dynamic communities and healthy, active citizens by bringing new leadership and focus to the tourism, sport and arts sectors. The ministry is developing a plan for doubling tourism revenues which will enhance benefits to all regions in the province through a combination of strategies to improve competitiveness, enhance infrastructure and expand marketing. The ministry also works to foster a creative economy by identifying new opportunities and supporting sustainable growth and investment in the culture, sport and volunteer sectors.
Vision, Mission and Values
A province where citizens embrace participation, and celebrate and maximize the social and economic benefits from tourism, sport and the arts.
To build strong partnerships that will foster sustainable tourism, sport and arts sectors and creative vibrant communities where people want to live, visit and invest.
The ministry's values are integrated into its day-to-day program and service delivery and are essential to successful achievement of its goals and objectives. They are:
Collaboration: promoting team work, and building relationships and partnerships of mutual trust and confidence. The ministry has many partners and stakeholders and is committed to building strong relationships, recognizing that achievement of its goals and objectives takes the effort and contribution of many. For example, the ministry was one of the partners that worked in cooperation with the Aboriginal Tourism Association of BC to develop the Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Blueprint Strategy. This achievement would not have been possible without mutual trust and confidence.
Integrity: communicating and behaving in ways that show respect, honesty and high ethical standards. The ministry's reputation and its relationships with clients and stakeholders depend on the professionalism and integrity of its staff. Its respect for stakeholders and partners is demonstrated through its inclusive approach to carrying out its work. For example, during the reporting period the ministry prepared to hold a Cultural Summit to bring together leaders in B.C.'s arts and cultural community to discuss the sector's future. This process of engagement demonstrated respect for those who work in the sector, and led to a successful summit, held shortly after the reporting period (in April 2006).
A Focus on Clients: providing high levels of service and responsiveness to ministry clients in a timely and effective manner. The ministry strives to understand and respond to its clients' needs, and to provide a consistent, coordinated one-window approach to service delivery. This commitment is reflected in a number of the ministry's performance measures. It is also reflected in the ministry's work in 2005/06, which included expanding the scope of the All Seasons Resorts Office in Kamloops and partnering with FrontCounter BC to facilitate adventure tourism. Both initiatives respond to client needs by making it easier for applicants to navigate approval processes.
Transparency and Accountability: providing effective and efficient delivery of services and implementing sound results-driven financial management. The ministry is committed to communicating openly with its stakeholders and the public on its use of public resources, and on whether it is achieving its intended results. The ministry uses service agreements and contracts to identify clear deliverables and outcomes to ensure that services provided by third parties are delivered effectively and efficiently.
Innovation and Creativity: building a dynamic and innovative organization which encourages creativity and imagination. The ministry strives to be an organization where individual learning is continuous, knowledge is shared, and innovation and creativity are supported. The ministry's Human Resource Management Plan demonstrates its commitment to becoming a learning organization and outlines a development plan for staff.