Annual Report Appendices
Appendix 1: List of Crowns, Agencies, Boards and Commissions
BC Arts Council
BC Games Society
BC Pavilion Corporation
Provincial Capital Commission
Royal BC Museum Corporation
Tourism BC
Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project Ltd.
Appendix 2: List of Legislation Administered by the Ministry
Arts Council Act
Capital Commission Act (insofar as it relates to the portfolio of the minister)
Forest and Range Practices Act (ss. 56, 57, 58, 118(2)(d), and 148 except in relation to public money (other than fines) and the administration of deposits and securities payable)
Heritage Conservation Act
Hotel Guest Registration Act
Hotel Keepers Act
Hunting and Fishing Heritage Act
Motor Vehicle (All Terrain) Act
Museum Act
Recreational Facility Act
Resort Timber Administration Act
Tourism Act
Tourism British Columbia Act
Vancouver Tourism Levy Enabling Act
Appendix 3: Table of Changes — 2005/06 Update Compared to 2006/07
The ministry has refined its goals and created new objectives which are more focused and more clearly linked to the key outcomes that the ministry is working to achieve. They are also more closely aligned with government's Great Goals.
The Guidelines for Ministry 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plans require that ministries have no more than 12 performance measures. The ministry's measures have been revised to better reflect Treasury Board requirements to focus only on key aspects of performance. They also better reflect the ministry's revised goals and objectives. Many of the measures that were omitted from the Service Plan continue to be important to the ministry's work and may continue to be used in internal business plans.
The following tables outline the changes to the goals, objectives and performance measures in the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan.
Goals and Objectives 05/06 September Service Plan Update |
Goals and Objectives 06/07 February Service Plan |
Goal | Objective | Goal | Objective |
1. A flourishing sustainable tourism industry where domestic and international visitors enjoy B.C.'s diverse range of natural experiences and network of tourism and world-class resort facilities. |
1. A competitive, sustainable tourism sector that supports a strong diverse economy and job creation across all regions of
the province. 2. B.C.'s natural resources support sustainable economic development of commercial and non-commercial nature-base recreation. |
1. A tourism sector that delivers lasting regional economic and social benefits. |
1.1 Strategic and collaborative relationships to support tourism growth. 1.2 Expanded exposure and appeal as a quality world-class destination, through progressive market and product development. 1.3 Tourism, sport, arts, culture and heritage sectors fully leverage the opportunities presented by the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. |
2. British Columbians reap the full benefits of a physically active lifestyle, achieve sustained excellence in competitive sport and experience lasting benefits from hosting world-class sporting events. |
1. British Columbian's participation levels increase as they embrace sport and physical activity as a way of life. 2. Provincial athletes are supported in their pursuit of excellence and achieve sustained personal-best results in national and international competition. 3. The province attracts world-class sport events enriching sport-tourism opportunities and accruing lasting benefits from major events such as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. |
2. Vibrant and creative communities in which people have diverse opportunities to participate in recreation, sport, arts and culture. |
2.1 Dynamic and sustainable sport, arts, culture and heritage sectors. 2.2 An integrated and accessible range of sport, arts, culture, and heritage products, events, festivals and destinations with strengthened contributions to the provincial economy. 2.3 A physically active population where citizens have diverse opportunities to participate and excel in recreations and sport. 2.4 Citizens are supported in contributing to the well-being of their communities through volunteerism. |
3. A dynamic creative economy in which British Columbians participate and showcase their diverse culture, heritage and arts. |
1. British Columbia's arts and film industries capture a strong share of the global marketplace. 2. A vital and sustainable artistic and cultural sector that contributes to the quality of life and economic development of B.C. 3. Effective stewardship of British Columbia's heritage properties brings economic benefits and a sense of pride and identity to communities. 4. B.C.'s archaeological resources are protected and preserved, while also accommodating economic development. |
3. Effective joint stewardship of British Columbia's outdoor recreational resources and heritage. |
3.1 Shared commitment to effective stewardship that enables the protection and management of British Columbia's heritage assets
and tourism-related resources in a balanced and sustainable way. 3.2 Effectively maintain British Columbia's historic places and recreation sites and trails. |
Goals and Objectives 05/06 September Service Plan Update |
Goals and Objectives 06/07 February Service Plan |
Goal |
Performance Measures |
Goal |
Performance Measures |
1. A flourishing sustainable tourism industry where domestic and international visitors enjoy B.C.'s diverse range of natural experiences and network of tourism and world-class resort facilities. |
• Vision for sustainable tourism: (Measure not included in the 06/07 Service Plan because the vision was developed in the 05/06
year). • Completion of a Tourism Charter: (Measure dropped from 06/07 Service Plan because the measure was not appropriate for use over consecutive years). • All Season Resorts revenues to government: (Measure was modified in the 06/07 Service Plan to more accurately reflect the value of new All Season Resorts investments). • Commercial Recreation revenues to government: (Measure was kept in the 06/07 Service Plan but modified to more accurately reflect the value of new Commercial Recreation investments). • Approvals of resort development agreements: (Measure was brought forward to the 06/07 Service Plan): – Master Development Agreements. – Other Resort Development Agreements. • Percentage of commercial recreation land tenures processed within 140 days: (Measure not included in 06/07 Service Plan, but will continue to be used for internal business planning). • Percentage of surveyed customers who are satisfied with All Seasons Resorts and Commercial Recreation services: (Client satisfaction will be monitored, but measure was not brought forward in 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its set of measures). |
1. A tourism sector that delivers lasting regional economic and social benefits. |
• New outcome measures for assessing growth in the tourism sector. • Dollar amount of new capital investment (All Seasons Resorts and Commercial Recreation). • Approvals of resort developments. • Percentage of ministry-led sector planning processes that include 2010 Games focus. |
2. British Columbians reap the full benefits of a physically active lifestyle, achieve sustained excellence in competitive sport and experience lasting benefits from hosting world-class sporting events. |
• B.C. adults' physical activity level: (This measure was carried forward into the 06/07 Service Plan with improvement to the
description). • Team BC placement in Canada Summer and Winter games: (Although the ministry will continue to monitor this measure internally, this measure has not been included in the 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures). • Proportion of nationally-carded athletes training in the province: (This measure was brought forward in the 2006/07 Service Plan). • The economic impact of hosting major sport events in the province exceeds the provincial investment: (This measure was included in the 2006/07 Service Plan and was revised for clarity and specificity). |
2. Vibrant and creative communities in which people have diverse opportunities to participate in recreation, sport, arts and culture. |
• Self-generated revenue as a percentage of total budget in key arts and cultural organizations. • Ratio of incremental tax revenue to investment for major sport events. • Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy. • Percentage of British Columbians who are physically active enough to derive health benefits. • Percentage of nationally-carded athletes training in the province. |
3. A dynamic creative economy in which British Columbians participate and showcase their diverse culture, heritage and arts. | • Client satisfaction with film production services offered in B.C.: (This measure was not brought forward into the 06/07 Service
Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures). • Film production investment in B.C. relative to market capacity: (This measure was not brought forward into the 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures, and this measure is still in the preliminary stages of development). • Olympic Arts Fund strategy completed: (This measure was not brought forward into the 06/07 Service Plan because it was an output for the 05/06 year). • Number of historic places entered in the Canadian Register of Historic Places: (Although the ministry will continue to monitor this measure internally, it has not been included in the 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures). • Percentage of community-based heritage properties meeting or exceeding standards: (Although the ministry will continue to monitor this measure internally, it has not been included in the 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures). • Number of land use projects proceeding under permit: (Although the ministry will continue to monitor this measure internally, it has not been included in the 06/07 Service Plan because the ministry has reduced its overall set of measures). |
3. Effective joint stewardship of British Columbia's outdoor recreational resources and heritage. |
• Number of local governments committed to the stewardship of community heritage. • Number of recreation sites receiving regular maintenance. |