Labour and Citizens' Services

Report on Resources

Much of the Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services operates on a cost-recovery basis. The majority of ministry branches receive a voted appropriation of only $1,000 — driving them to operate in a disciplined, business-like manner. This "$1,000 vote structure" means that at the end of the fiscal year, expenditures must not exceed recoveries by more than $1,000. As a result, the voted appropriation of approximately $192.838 M in 2005/06 is a relatively small portion of the ministry's gross budgeted expenditures which were $306.66 M. For fiscal year 2005/06 the ministry had a Full-time Equivalent staff allocation of 1,926.

Labour Programs

Labour Programs reported a $0.59 M surplus on a budget of $15.68 M. The under expenditure was due primarily to a recruitment lag associated with the additional resources provided to Industrial Relations.

Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses

Service Delivery reported a minor surplus of $0.06 M (0.25%) on a total budget of $24.76 M. This program received additional funding through access to contingencies of $1.80 M to support the operation of Service BC – Government Agents offices throughout the province as well as the operation of the Online Channel Office that supports citizens' access to government services through the Internet.

Public Service Operations (Shared Services BC)

Public Service Operations reported a $3.18 M (2.40%) over expenditure. However, surplus funds were identified in other areas of the ministry which allowed the program to fund items such as business transformation; improved security of government workstations; upgrades for the regional network center supporting FrontCounter BC (Kamloops); computer monitor upgrades; improved disaster recovery capacity; and upgrade of systems supporting such areas as avalanche warnings and BC Treasury.

Service Transformation

Service Transformation reported a $7.87 M surplus due to increased recoveries for Network BC. This was achieved because public sector telecommunications were aggregated to achieve benefits and cost savings for government. Some of these savings were used to fund the projects referenced in the Public Service Operations core business as well as the Governance core business.


Governance reported a $1.26 M (10.61%) over expenditure which was due, in part, to an investment in software to assist government in the management of its electronic records. The savings in Network BC allowed the ministry to move forward on this initiative.

Executive and Support Services

Executive and Support Services reported a $0.39 M (4.46%) surplus due primarily to salary savings as a result of recruitment lag.

Resource Summary 2005/06

Core Business Areas Estimated Other
Actual Variance1

(Actual less
Operating Expenses ($000)
Ministry Operations — Vote 35
Labour Programs 15,689   15,689 15,098 (591)
Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses 22,956 1,805 24,761 24,698 (63)
Public Service Operations 131,778 561 132,339 135,523 3,184
Service Transformation 1,809 195 2,004 (5,875) (7,879)
Governance 11,870   11,870 13,136 1,266
Executive and Support Services 8,736   8,736 8,338 (398)
Sub-Total 192,838 2,561 195,399 190,918 (4,481)
Adjustment of Prior Year's Accrual2       (48) (48)
TOTAL VOTE 35 192,838 2,561 195,399 190,870 (4,529)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Labour Programs 422   422 370 (52)
Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses 364   364 357 (7)
Public Service Operations 965   965 900 (65)
Service Transformation 21   21 25 4
Governance 89   89 78 (11)
Executive and Support Services 65   65 35 (31)
TOTAL VOTE 35 1,926   1,926 1,765 (161)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Ministry Capital — Vote 35
TOTAL VOTE 35 80,464   80,464 58,945 (21,519)

1  Variance display convention is consistent with public accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual"
minus "Total Estimated". If the Actual is greater, then the Variance will be displayed as a positive number.
2  Amount reflects adjustment of prior year's expense accruals which were credited to ministry expense and not available for the ministry to spend.
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