Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services comprises two distinct organizations. Labour provides services to employees, employers, unions, and businesses in British Columbia to build a modern work environment; and, Citizens' Services plays a key role in improving how government services and information are delivered to meet the needs of citizens, business and the public sector.

Below are the new vision, mission and value statements as revised in the ministry's 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan.


British Columbia will be a leader in Canada and recognized internationally for excellence in public service delivery.


The mission is two-fold:

  • Labour will create an employment environment that meets the needs of workers, employers and unions and foster working relationships in safe and healthy workplaces; and
  • Citizens' Services will transform public services to make them cost-effective, accessible and responsive to the needs of citizens and business.



  • Individuals are treated with fairness, dignity and respect.
  • We are open and honest.

Service Excellence

  • We work to know our customers and treat them as partners.
  • We are flexible, innovative and proactive.


  • Performance is measured to ensure cost-effective business outcomes and value-added results.
  • We make and keep our commitments — we get the job done.


  • We collaborate to achieve corporate goals.
  • Individuals and teams that achieve results and demonstrate creativity and calculated risk-taking are recognized.

Work Life Balance

  • We support employees in balancing their personal and work commitments.
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