Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry is tasked with managing the responsible development of British Columbia's energy, mineral and petroleum resource sectors. Natural gas is now the single largest source of provincial revenue derived from a natural resource. As commodity prices for natural gas, oil, electricity and minerals remain strong, British Columbians can expect to see continued benefits and resource development opportunities. The Ministry develops policies and programs to facilitate increases in jobs, investment and revenue related to these sectors, while ensuring sound environmental rules and regulations.

The Ministry administers 25 statutes pertaining to the energy, mining and petroleum resource sectors. These statutes are listed in Appendix 2. In addition, the Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources is responsible for the Assayers Certification Board of Examiners, British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, British Columbia Transmission Corporation, Columbia Power Corporation, Mediation and Arbitration Board and the Oil and Gas Commission.

It is important to note that significant revisions to the content of the Ministry's Service Plan were made between the September 2005/06 Service Plan Update and the 2006/07 Service Plan. The 2006/07 plan is more focused, and provides corporate and strategic direction to the Ministry with regard to its mandate. In order to signal this change in emphasis, the Ministry reviewed its vision, mission and values during the 2006/07 planning session. Corporate goals for which all areas of the Ministry are accountable replaced goals that had been selected by core business area. New performance measures for 2006/07 show how these goals will be supported. Changes to the vision, mission and values of the Ministry from the 2005/06 Service Plan Update to 2006/07 Service Plan are shown in Appendix 3 and will be fully reported on in next year's Annual Service Plan Report.


Thriving, competitive, safe and environmentally responsible energy and mining sectors significantly benefiting all British Columbians.


The Ministry facilitates investment in the responsible development of British Columbia's energy and mineral resources to benefit British Columbians.


The following values define the Ministry's management style and positions it to achieve its Service Plan goals and objectives.


The Ministry works with the energy and mining sectors, advocating their interests to broader stakeholder groups in a way that ensures the responsible and sustainable development of energy and mineral resources.


The Ministry is committed to respectful, honest and ethical behavior in all its communications and actions.


The Ministry is service-oriented and responds to the needs of its stakeholders and the public in a timely and effective manner.


The Ministry is accountable to government and the public for the results identified in its Service Plan. The Ministry is effective and efficient in delivering timely services and implementing sound financial management.


The Ministry is committed to maintaining the highest levels of both technical competency and public service values, and encouraging innovation and creativity.

Partnership Building

The Ministry promotes teamwork, good working relationships and effective partnerships with others.

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