Core Business Areas

The Ministry's core business areas are set out in the table below, and a description of each business area follows after the table.

Core Business Areas — Overview

Core Business of the Ministry
Organization within the Ministry
1. Oil and Gas • Oil and Gas Division — Develops and implements policies and programs to maximize the benefits from oil and gas resources.
2. Offshore Oil and Gas • Offshore Oil and Gas Division — Established to enable offshore oil and gas development to occur in British Columbia in a scientifically sound and environmentally responsible manner. (In July 2005 this became a full division of the Ministry.)
3. Mining and Minerals • Mining and Minerals Division — Develops and implements policies and programs to manage and promote the exploration and development of coal, aggregate, industrial minerals and mineral resources. The Division also regulates the mining industry, including mine health and safety.
4. Electricity and Alternative Energy • Electricity and Alternative Energy Division — Develops and implements policies and programs to support all forms of electrical power generation, advance alternative energy technologies and promote economy-wide energy efficiency and conservation.
5. Executive and Support Services • Marketing, Aboriginal and Community Relations Division — Provides corporate support and services, leads intergovernmental issues, leads investment promotion and facilitates First Nations and community participation in the energy, mineral and petroleum resource sectors.
• Shared Management Services Division — Shared with the Ministry of Economic Development and provides financial and administrative services.
• Titles Division — Issues and administers tenures for Crown oil and gas rights, and mineral and coal rights.

Core Business Areas:

Oil and Gas

The Crown owns the vast majority of the Province's petroleum and natural gas. The Ministry is the steward of these resources and is mandated to protect the public interest in oil and gas development and ensure that benefits from resource development are maximized for all British Columbians. In 2004/05, provincial government revenue generated directly from the production of oil and gas in B.C. was $1.8 billion, or about 8 per cent of total provincial revenues. With abundant oil and gas deposits throughout the province, oil and gas revenue will continue to play an important role in the provincial economy.

The Oil and Gas Division is planning now for the future by reviewing its policies and programs to enhance the oil and gas regulatory regime in order to protect human health and the environment. The Division also strives to maximize the benefits from the Province's oil and gas revenues, including increasing revenue and private sector business opportunities, innovative oil and gas infrastructure and royalty programs, developing the Interior Basins, promoting geological potential, and enhancing the competitive business climate for oil and gas service companies. Operating expenses for this core business area totaled $11,937,000 in 2005/06 and the Oil and Gas Division had 79 full time positions.

The Titles Division issues and administers tenures for Crown-owned petroleum and natural gas, geothermal and underground gas storage rights, and collects associated revenues. The monthly disposition process for oil and gas rights generated an average of $470 million annually for the past three years, while the administration of tenure provided a further $60.6 million, averaged over the same period.

The purpose of the Offshore Oil and Gas Division is to enable offshore oil and gas development to occur in B.C. in a scientifically sound and environmentally responsible manner. The Province believes that the potential opportunities provided by offshore oil and gas development are of significant public value. The Ministry is taking a principled approach to researching management and regulatory regimes in other jurisdictions in order to identify best practices for west coast offshore development. The Division is working with communities, First Nations, and key stakeholders to provide reliable and objective information on potential benefits of offshore oil and gas. In addition, the Division is collaborating with the Federal government and provincial educational institutions to address science issues related to the offshore. Operating expenses for this core business area totaled $4,252,000 in 2005/06 and the Offshore Oil and Gas Division had 12 full time positions.

Mining and Minerals

Mining has fueled economic development throughout the province since the first Gold Rush nearly 150 years ago. B.C. is rich in mineralization and is ranked high by companies with respect to mineral resource potential including coal, aggregate, industrial minerals and metal resources. Mining revenues and jobs are increasing as government policies and commodity prices fuel investor confidence and attract the mining industry to develop these rich resources. The Province is committed to attracting exploration investment and building the mining industry in order to ensure benefits for all British Columbians.

The Mining and Minerals Division develops and implements policies and programs to attract investment, manage the exploration and development of mineral resources, while ensuring involvement of communities and First Nations, environmental stewardship of the land and the protection of mine workers and the public. The Mining and Minerals Division is responsible for the development and implementation of the B.C. Mining Plan. Operating expenses for this core business area totaled $13,282,000 in 2005/06 and the Mining and Minerals Division had 111 full time positions.

The Titles Division issues and administers mineral, coal and placer tenures. In January 2005, the Division enhanced service delivery to clients through implementation of Mineral Titles Online, a state-of-the-art, Internet-based mineral tenure acquisition and maintenance system. Mineral clients used this new system to record 4.69 million hectares of new claims in 2005/06.

Electricity and Alternative Energy

The Electricity and Alternative Energy Division develops and implements policies and programs to support all forms of electrical power generation, economy-wide energy efficiency and conservation, and the advancement of leading edge energy technologies. As B.C.'s economy continues to strengthen and diversify, it continues to rely on low-cost, secure electricity. At the same time, British Columbians are committed to environmentally responsible energy development and energy efficiency. Consequently, provincial energy, economic and environmental policies must be consistent and mutually supportive. The Province is dedicated to striking a balance between development of conventional sources of electricity in a responsible manner, and advancing the use of new resources and superior technologies. Operating expenses for this core business area totaled $1,482,000 in 2005/06 and the Electricity and Alternative Energy Division had 12 full time positions.

The Marketing, Aboriginal and Community Relations Division

The Division leads the Ministry's aboriginal and community stakeholder strategy; investment promotion and marketing; and corporate policy, strategic planning, intergovernmental relations and legislation. The Division is responsible for the Ministry's objective of strengthening its relationships with First Nations and communities in the development of energy and mineral resources throughout the province. The Ministry aims to increase First Nations participation in these resource sectors through consultation and accommodation initiatives. The Division is also responsible for providing administrative support to the Mediation and Arbitration Board. Operating expenses for this core business area totaled $6,428,000 in 2005/06 and the Marketing, Aboriginal and Community Relations Division had 33 full time positions.

Financial and administrative support services, such as the correspondence unit, payroll, human resources and budgeting, are provided by the Management Services Division as a shared service with the Ministry of Economic Development.

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