Report on Resources

The Report on Resources section compares projected spending to actual spending for the Ministry of Education's operating budget, and breaks down Ministry expenses by core business area. In addition, projected and actual FTEs (full-time equivalents) are reported.

For the 2005/06 fiscal year, the Ministry of Education experienced significant variances in the following categories:

Public Schools — $126 million resulting from the teacher job action in October, 2005 was re-distributed within the education system.

Independent Schools — $5 million above budget reflects $6 million cost to fully fund special needs students, offset by $1 million enrolment savings.

Debt Service and Amortization — $23 million below budget resulted primarily from lower than anticipated interest rates, higher than expected sinking fund earnings and reduced capital spending.

Early Learning and Literacy — $14.5 million above budget due to additional grants to support innovative literacy programs such as Literacy Now and the OneCard Library Program.

Total Variance

The Ministry of Education's total expenditures for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006 were $5,070,781,367 or approximately $3 million less than the Estimate budget of $5,073,905,000.

Resource Summary Table 2005/06

Core Business Areas Estimated Other Authorizations1 Total Estimated Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Public Schools 4,264,295   4,264,295 4,267,538 3,243
Independent Schools 186,629   186,629 191,563 4,934
Debt Service and Amortization  546,385   546,385 523,422 (22,963)
Early Learning and Literacy  20,008   20,008 34,553 14,545
Management Services  12,354   12,354 11,778 (576)
Executive and Support Services  44,234   44,234 41,927 (2,307)
Sub-Total Operating Expenses  5,073,905   5,073,905 5,070,781 (3,124)
Adjustments of Prior Year Accruals2        (166) (166)
Total  5,073,905   5,073,905 5,070,615 (3,290)
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Early Learning and Literacy  12   12 11 (1)
Management Services  85   85 80 (5)
Executive and Support Services  216   216 207 (9)
Total  313   313 298 (15)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Management Services  95   95 0 (95)
Executive and Support Services  9,650   9,650 4,947 (4,703)
Total  9,745   9,745 4,947 (4,798)
Capital Plan ($000)
Public Schools  170,300 0,000 170,300 149,135 (21,166)
Total  170,300 0,000 170,300 149,135 (21,166)
1  "Other Authorizations" include Supplementary Estimates, Statutory Appropriations and Contingencies.
2  Adjustment of prior year's accruals. Amounts reflect adjustment of prior year's expense accruals which were credited to Ministry expense and not available for the Ministry to spend.

SUCH Sector Income Statement

For the 2005/06 fiscal year, the actual revenues and expenditures for school districts were less than budget projections. Reduced revenues are primarily due to provincial government contribution adjustments for the teachers' October, 2005 strike. The variance in expenses is primarily due to reduced salaries relating to the October, 2005 strike, partially offset by increased operating costs as some of the returned strike savings were directed to non-salary expenditures such as learning resources.

School Districts 2005/06
Combined Income Statement ($000)
Total Revenue  4,848,000 4,821,000 (27,000)
Total Expense  4,781,000 4,629,000 (152,000)
Operating Results  67,000 192,000 125,000
Gain (Loss) on sale of Capital Assets  4,000 8,000 4,000
  Net Results  71,000 200,000 129,000

Major Capital Projects

The Ministry had one capital project with a budget in excess of $50 million for the reporting period.

Project Description: New Westminster Secondary School Replacement

A new 2,400-secondary student capacity school was proposed to replace the existing 2,025 capacity New Westminster Secondary School and existing District Administration Offices; and to renovate the existing District Maintenance Facility.

Project Status

The NWSS project was tendered in late 2005 and was significantly over budget. The Ministry has assigned an independent consultant to review the project and make recommendations on the future scope and management of the project. Once the project scope and budget are confirmed, the Ministry will determine how and when the project will proceed.

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