Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values

The Ministry of Education oversees British Columbia's K – 12 education system, which includes both public schools and independent schools. As well, in line with the Government's new priorities following the provincial election in May 2005, the Ministry's mandate was expanded to include responsibility for public libraries, improving literacy rates across all segments of the population, and (in collaboration with the Ministry of Children and Family Development) early learning.

The Ministry of Education has a primary and substantive role in determining education policies. The roles and responsibilities of the Ministry and its partners are set out under the School Act, the Teaching Profession Act, the Independent School Act, the Library Act and accompanying regulations.

The K – 12 system serves approximately 570,000 public school FTEs,1 approximately 63,000 independent school student FTEs and more than 2,700 home-schooled children.2 Of the public school FTEs there are about 55,000 students who are Aboriginal, and about 3,550 students (who have a Charter right to a Francophone education) who are enrolled in Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique.

The Ministry of Education co-governs K – 12 education with school boards — education services are delivered locally through school boards, public schools and independent schools, while the Ministry provides leadership and funding, develops policy and legislation, oversees system governance, sets results-based standards, develops accountability frameworks, monitors performance and reports results. Public library services are provided through the Public Library Services Branch of the Ministry. Across British Columbia, there are 235 public library branches operating under the governance of 70 library boards. Together, these public libraries serve 98 per cent of British Columbians.

1  A full-time equivalent, or FTE, is the same as one student who attends school full-time (or, for example, two students who attend half-time).
2  The number of home-schooled children refers to students who were registered in public or independent schools as home-schoolers for the 2005/06 school year.

Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry's vision is to make B.C. the best-educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent.


The mission of the Ministry of Education is to set legal, financial, curricular and accountability frameworks so as to enable all learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy, democratic and pluralistic society and a prosperous, sustainable economy.


The Government of British Columbia believes that the highest standards of conduct among public service employees are essential to maintain and enhance the public's trust and confidence in the public service. The Ministry is committed to carrying out its mandate in accordance with the following key values:

  • Quality: To support the achievement of all students within a quality, performance-oriented education system.
  • Service: To provide high levels of service for students, the public, education partners, ministry colleagues, and government.
  • Collaboration: To promote collaborative and respectful approaches to communication and decision-making, both internally and externally.
  • Integrity: To behave with integrity and fairness, and promote relationships of mutual trust and confidence.
  • Excellence: To strive for excellence in all aspects of our work, and acknowledge each other's contributions.

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