Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The purpose of the Ministry of Economic Development is to build a strong provincial economy that supports job creation and maximizes economic opportunities for citizens throughout the province. The Minister is also responsible for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and strengthening our province as the Asia-Pacific gateway. The Ministry supports these initiatives through partnerships, policies and programs that:

  • market and promote B.C. to expand trade and investment opportunities, increase sales and exports of goods and services and encourage immigration of skilled workers and business investors;
  • enhance economic development and growth by maintaining a competitive business environment, increasing diversification of regional and provincial economies, providing infrastructure for a growing economy and responding to the increasing demand for skilled labour; and
  • provide leadership and oversee the province's financial commitments required to host a successful 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games and to maximize the economic and social benefits from the Games.

Vision, Mission and Values


Jobs and economic prosperity for all British Columbians, in every region of the province.


The Ministry of Economic Development works for British Columbians to build the best performing economy in Canada, through maximizing the benefits of B.C.'s diverse economy, its proximity to emergent opportunities in Asia, and the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.


We are committed to ensuring economic growth, jobs and investment in the province to maintain a high quality of life for all British Columbians.

We are an organization that prides itself on getting results.

We strive to provide a high level of customer service.

We work with, and listen to, stakeholders in all regions of B.C.

We are accountable to government and the public.

We deliver our programs in the most efficient manner.

We are committed to developing new and innovative approaches.

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards in the professional public service.

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