Annual Report Appendices

Appendix 1: List of Crowns, Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Asia-Pacific Trade Council

B.C.-Alcan Northern Development Fund

B.C. Competition Council

B.C. Enterprise Corporation (not active)

Columbia Basin Trust

Industry Training Authority

Northern Development Initiative Trust

North Island-Coast Development Initiative Trust

Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust

Appendix 2: List of Legislation Administered by the Ministry

B.C.-Alcan Northern Development Fund Act

B.C. Enterprise Corporation

Builders Lien Act

Business Paper Reduction Act

Columbia Basin Trust Act

Community Financial Services Act(repealed)

Employee Investment Act

Industry Training Authority Act

Ministry of International Business and Immigration Act(except immigration provisions)

Northern Development Initiative Trust Act

North Island-Coast Development Initiative Trust Act

Pacific National Exhibition Enabling and Validating Act

Pacific National Exhibition Incorporation Act

Small Business Venture Capital Act

Southern Interior Development Initiative Trust Act

Appendix 3: 2005/06 Goal Changes Summary

At the time of the September 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update, the Ministry of Economic Development was in the process of restructuring to meet its new mandate. During the fall and winter of 2005/06, the Ministry engaged in a process which determined the goals that would be the focus on a going forward basis, reducing them from 4 to 3. The table below represents this transition.


Appendix 4: Ministry Performance Measures

This Appendix provides information on the 2005/06 measures that are no longer part of the Ministry's Service Plan. In the fall and winter of 2005/06, the Ministry revised its goals and performance measures in order to reflect its new mandate. In addition, the Ministry reduced the number of its performance measures to twelve (12) in order to focus on critical aspects of performance.

Performance Measures Benchmark 2005/06 Target 2005/06 Actual Variance Results
Total number of new inbound investment projects. 6 new inbound investment projects 6 additional new inbound investment projects 5 (1)
Number of trade missions and key events promoting B.C. 7 trade and investment visits led by Premier and/or Minister(s), 40 pre-qualified business delegations attracted 7 trade and investment visits led by Premier and/or Minister(s), 40 pre-qualified business delegations attracted 5 trade and investment visits missions led by Premier and/or Minister(s), 30 pre-qualified business delegations attracted (3)
Number of customized information packages provided in response to qualified investor enquiries. 75 customized information packages provided 75 customized information packages provided 68 (7)
Asia-Pacific Trade Council established and supported. Establish Council and provide support for development of initial recommendations Establish Council and provide support for development of initial recommendations Council established and support provided N/A
Percentage of new Provincial Nominees destined to rural areas. 30% 35% 57% 22%
Jobs created by new Provincial Nominee Business Immigrants. 274 full-time jobs 305 full-time jobs 432 127
Critical skills shortages identified and addressed. Develop labour market policy and strategy Develop labour market policy and strategy Labour market policy and strategy developed N/A
National Training Strategy developed. Develop strategic overview Develop strategic overview Strategic overview developed N/A
Venture Capital Fund Registrations (cumulative). 6 funds registered 8 funds registered 6 funds registered (2)
Develop and implement regional initiative trusts. Trusts developed and implemented Trusts developed and implemented Trusts developed and implemented N/A
Private capital raised and businesses financed on an annual basis with amounts invested each year. $134 M;
193 businesses
$152 M;
120 businesses
$86 M;
153 businesses
($66 M)
Lead development of province's Economic Strategy. Economic initiatives in place Develop strategic overview Strategic overview developed N/A
Competitiveness indicators updated. Develop base data on competitiveness levels for each indicator Update competitiveness indicators Competitive indicators updated N/A
Tax proposal options developed. Evaluate new tax measures and develop recommendations for presentation to Minister by October 31, 2004 Update analysis and develop revised options by September 30, 2005. Analysis updated and revised options developed by September 30, 2005. N/A
Competition Council established and recommendations delivered. Establish Council Establish Council Council established N/A
2010 procurement opportunities posted via a web-based information system. Develop a web-based information system 100% of procurement opportunities available to B.C. businesses 100% 0

Target not achieved. Exceeded target. Achieved target. N/A — Not Applicable.

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