Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry of Community Services supports communities in meeting the needs of their citizens. The ministry provides the legislative, policy and regulatory framework for local governments, and advisory services to address issues affecting the social, economic and environmental well-being of their communities — now and in the future. The ministry also partners with other ministries and federal and local governments to develop and implement solutions to community issues, which includes coordinating resources and providing leadership on inner-city issues. The ministry provides, through third-party contractors, community-based abuse prevention and intervention services for women, and their children, who have experienced abuse, and community initiatives to raise awareness of and prevent violence against women. The ministry also supports the Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues, and provides information to the public and government on the unique needs of seniors and women to support public policy, legislation, programs and services that are responsive to the needs of all British Columbians.

Vision, Mission and Values1


British Columbians enjoy full social and economic participation in safe, healthy communities.

The ministry's vision supports Government's Five Great Goals by achieving successes at the community and individual levels. The ministry plays a significant role in strengthening communities by collaborating with local governments, other ministries, the federal government, the private sector and community organizations to achieve the full social and economic participation of British Columbians in safe, healthy communities.


Promote and sustain economically viable communities that provide a healthy and safe place for British Columbians to live and work.

The ministry's mission is achieved through its work with many partners at the local, provincial and federal levels to contribute to the health, safety and strength of communities now and for the future.


The following values are integrated into the ministry's day-to-day operations and planning processes:

  • Collaboration — promoting teamwork, and building relationships and partnerships of mutual trust, confidence and respect. Collaboration is essential to realizing opportunities and resolving the complex issues facing British Columbians. The ministry has worked to build partnerships of mutual trust, confidence and respect with its stakeholders, and recognizes that these relationships are vital to achieving its goals and objectives.
  • Professionalism and Integrity — conducting respectful, honest and ethical behavior in all its communications and actions. The ministry has developed a respected reputation with its partners, built on the professionalism and integrity of its staff. Because much of its work depends on the ability to influence others, to reach agreement and to take action in areas of common interest, it must maintain a reputation for respect, honesty and integrity.
  • Responsiveness — providing high levels of service to ministry clients and the public in a timely and effective manner that demonstrates the ministry's commitment to service. The ministry is committed to a high standard of service (for example, ensuring that transition houses are accessible to women throughout B.C.). Its clients depend on the ministry's services to meet their needs and those of their communities. Therefore, the ministry works to ensure these services are provided in a timely manner using tools and programs that are accessible and effective.
  • Accountability — providing services efficiently, implementing sound financial management and being accountable to government and the public for the results identified in its Service Plan. The ministry is committed to ensuring its Service Plan meets the requirements of the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act and that its annual report incorporates British Columbia's Reporting Principles. The ministry regularly reviews its services to ensure efficiency and effectiveness are part of its way of doing business. For example, the ministry has implemented an information management system for its Stopping the Violence third-party service providers to create a more accountable and efficient system of reporting to the ministry.
  • Innovation and Creativity — championing a culture of learning, innovation and creativity within all levels of the organization. The ministry recognizes the great strengths of a learning organization where innovation and creativity are championed at all levels. The ministry has included these values in its learning and development priorities and its Human Resource Management Plan. Innovation is included in its leadership competencies.

1  The ministry slightly revised its vision and mission for the 2006/07 Service Plan, as the result of strategic planning with executive and staff from each department.
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