
Appendix 1

Organizational Chart

Appendix 2

Ministry of Community Services Key Legislation

The ministry is responsible for a number of public Acts, including the following legislation:

Capital Region Water Supply and Sooke Hills Protection Act

Community Charter Act

Community Charter Council Act

Islands Trust Act

Land Title Act — section 219, except subsections (3) (c), (11) (b) and (10) as it relates to the Ministry

Local Government Act — except ss. 916–919 and 692–693

Local Government Grants Act

Local Services Act

Manufactured Home Tax Act

Ministry of Municipal Affairs Act

Mountain Resort Associations Act

Municipal Aid Act

Municipal Finance Authority Act

Nanaimo and Southwest Water Supply Act

Ports Property Tax Act — s. 5

Resort Municipality of Whistler Act

Sechelt Indian Government District Enabling Act — s 4.

University Endowment Land Act except — ss. 2 (1) (a) and (d) and 3 (b)

Vancouver Charter

Appendix 3

Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Board of Examiners:

The Board of Examiners was established under the Local Government Act to oversee the certification of senior local government officials by establishing qualifications and standards for local government employment according to offices and grades, granting certificates according to grades and skills to persons possessing the qualifications and meeting the standards, setting and holding examinations for candidates for a certificate, or cancelling certificates. The three member board is appointed by order-in-council and includes one member nominated by each of the following: the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, the Local Government Management Association of BC, and the Minister of Community Services.

Islands Trust Fund Board:

The Islands Trust Fund was established to preserve and protect the trust area, consisting of islands located in the Georgia Strait and Howe Sound. The trust is responsible for the preparation of the trust policy statement, official community plans and zoning bylaws respecting land within the trust not covered by an official community plan bylaw. The Board's mandate is to preserve and protect significant areas and features of the trust environment by administering the trust fund, managing the property of the trust fund and meeting legislative requirements to prepare a trust fund plan and file annual reports. The Board consists of up to six members appointed by Minister's Order. Members are nominated by the Islands Trust Executive Committee, the Trust Council, and the Minister of Community Services.

Municipal Insurance Association of BC:

The Municipal Insurance Association of BC is a non-profit insurance cooperative which pools the common risks of its member municipalities for their mutual advantage. The Association's mission is to maintain the liability insurance coverage needed for members' financial security, stabilize insurance costs, and provide risk management education to assist members in preventing claims. Over 150 municipalities and regional districts are members. The Board is composed of 16 members, one of whom is appointed by the Minister of Community Services.

Dease Lake and Atlin Advisory Planning Commissions:

The function of the Dease Lake and Atlin Advisory Planning Commissions is to advise the Minister on planning and land use matters within the Dease Lake and Atlin communities (two unincorporated communities that are not part of a regional district) and to act on behalf of the communities in communication with provincial agencies. The Commissions also provide a broader forum for public discussion on other issues and participate in activities such as treaty matters and major project reviews. The Dease Lake Advisory Planning Commission consists of five to seven members, and the Atlin Advisory Planning Commission consists of seven to eight members. Members are selected in local elections and appointed by Minister's Order.

Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues:

The mandate of the Council is to consider how to support seniors' independence, health, and ability to continue as contributing members of society by: reviewing demographic and socio-economic trends, projecting an outlook to 2020; and identifying pressing needs and opportunities to improve seniors' independence and quality of living, including issues such as healthy lifestyles and nutrition, housing options and community programs, seniors' services and mandatory retirement. The Council consists of 18 members of the public appointed by Minister's Order.

Appendix 4

Table of Changes — 2005/06 Update compared to 2006/07

The table below shows changes to the ministry's goals and objectives.

  • The left side reflects the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Updated Service Plan goals and objectives.
  • The right side reflects the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan goals and objectives.
Goals and Objectives
2005/06 September Service Plan Update
Goals and Objectives
2006/07 February Service Plan
Goal Objective Goal Objective
1. Strong, safe and healthy communities 1. Effective, collaborative and accountable local governments.

2. Communities are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.

3. Improved collaboration that supports safe, healthy and economically vibrant inner-city communities across British Columbia.
1. Community governance is open, effective and accountable to its citizens.
1.1 Local governments are open, representative and responsive.

1.2 Local governments are accountable and make effective use of their legislative powers.
2. British Columbians live in resilient, sustainable communities.
2.1 Planning and infrastructure investments contribute to community sustainability.

2.2 Communities are resilient and able to adapt to change.
3. Communities effectively meet the social and economic needs of their citizens.
3.1 Economically strong regions in British Columbia.

3.2 Cooperative approaches to respond to inner-city issues.
2. Seniors' and women's full participation in their communities.
1. Women and their children are supported to deal with their experience of abuse.

2. Women's options for participating in the economy are enhanced.

3. Greater awareness and understanding of issues related to an aging population.
4. Women are safe from domestic violence.
4.1 Strengthened community capacity to prevent and respond to domestic violence.
5. Women have the opportunity to reach their economic potential.
5.1 Women have more opportunities to participate in the economy.
6. Improved social and economic well-being for seniors. 6.1 Support to the Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues.

6.2 Greater awareness and understanding of issues related to an aging population.
3. A high performance, learning organization that is an employer of choice in British Columbia. 1. An organization where creativity and innovation are embraced and human resource best practices are applied.    

The table below shows changes to the ministry's performance measures.

  • The left side reflects the 2005/06 – 2007/08 Updated Service Plan performance measures.
  • The right side reflects the 2006/07 – 2008/09 Service Plan performance measures.
"X"  identifies those measures that were dropped in the 2006/07 Plan, which are explained in the Report on Performance.
"Y"  identifies those measures that were modified in the 2006/07 Plan, also explained in the Report on Performance.
"N"  identifies new measures, which will be explained further in the 2006/07 Annual Service Plan Report.
Goals and Performance Measures 2005/06 September Service Plan Update Goals and Performance Measures 2006/07 February Service Plan
Goal Performance Measure Goal Performance Measure
1. Strong, safe and healthy communities.
Number of regional districts in identified high population growth areas that have completed regional growth strategies. (X)
1. Community governance is open, effective and accountable to its citizens.
Percentage of municipalities operating within their liability servicing limit. (N)
Percentage of population served by drinking water systems that use filtration where necessary and ultra-violet treatment in addition to disinfection. (Y)
Percentage of population served by sewer systems which either meet Liquid Waste Management Plan requirements or incorporate secondary or higher levels of treatment. (X)
2. British Columbians live in resilient, sustainable communities.
Number and percentage of population served by drinking water systems that meet emerging standards for the protection of drinking water quality. (Y)
Number of partnerships focused on inner-city revitalization with British Columbian communities. (Y) Number of municipalities collecting at least 90 per cent of their current year taxes. (N)
Number of new revitalization initiatives for Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. (X)
3. Communities effectively meet the social and economic needs of their citizens. Number of new urban development agreements.
Number of BladeRunners participants moving into employment. Number of BladeRunners participants moving into employment.
2. Seniors' and women's full participation in their communities.
Number of women and their children sheltered through transition house services. 4. Women are safe from domestic violence.
Number of women and their children sheltered through transition house services.
Number of women and their children counselled to address the effects of domestic violence. (X)
Number of outreach services provided to women and their children.
Number of outreach services provided to women and their children. 5. Women have the opportunity to reach their economic potential.
Number of women who enter employment after participating in the mentoring program. (N)
Mentoring program for women entering or re-entering the labour force established. (Y)
6. Improved social and economic well-being for seniors.
Number of seniors calling the 1-800 line per month. (N)
Number of new resources to enhance women's awareness of options for participating in the economy. (X)
Number of Seniors' Guides distributed.
Number of resources developed to improve access to information for and about seniors. (Y) Number of visits per year to the Seniors' website. (N)
Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues fully operational. (X)
3. A high performance, learning organization that is an employer of choice in British Columbia.
Percentage of staff with Employee Performance and Development Plans. (X)    
Implementation of the ministry's Human Resource Plan. (X)
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