Report on Resources

The table below indicates the breakdown of resource utilization for the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation by its five core business areas for 2005/06.

Resource Summary Table 2005/06

  Estimated Other Authorizations1 Total Estimated Actual Variance
(Actual minus Total Estimated)
Operating Expenses ($000)
Negotiations 20,481 12,000 32,481 30,880 (1,601)2
Aboriginal Relations 5,545 0 5,545 5,419 (126)3
Executive and Support Services 4,242 0 4,242 4,158 (084)4
First Citizens Fund 4,200 0 4,200 4,174 (0,026)5
New Relationship Trust Act 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 0
Total 34,468 112,000 146,468 144,631 (1,837)
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Negotiations 52 0 52 74 22
Aboriginal Relations 20 0 20 18 (2)
Executive and Support Services 35 0 35 33 (2)
First Citizens Fund 0 0 0 0 0
Total 107 0 107 125 18
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)

31 0 31 0 (31)
Executive and Support Services 23 0 23 28 5
Total 54 0 54 28 (26)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)

Receipts 0 0 0 0 0
Disbursements 3,589 0 3,589 2,175 (1,414)
Net Cash Source (Requirements) (3,589) 0 (3,589) (2,175) 1,414
Total Receipts 0 0 0 0 0
Total Disbursements 3,589 0 3,589 2,175 (1,414)
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) (3,589) 0 (3,589) (2,175) 1,4146

1  "Other Authorizations" include Supplementary Estimates, Statutory Appropriations and Contingencies.
2  Delays in the treaty negotiation process due to the federal election resulted in lower than expected operating expenses.
3  Staff turnover in Aboriginal Relations resulted in small surplus in wages and operating expenses.
4  Delay in recruiting to a vacant position resulted in modest savings to salaries and benefits.
5  Costs for Boards funded through the First Citizens Fund were lower than anticipated.
6  Acquisition of lands for treaty settlement purposes were delayed resulting in no disbursements being required and slightly lower than expected amortization costs for the Nisga'a Treaty during fiscal year 2005/06.

Major Capital Projects

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation had no major capital projects planned.

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