Purpose, Vision, Mission and Values


The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation is charged with the responsibility of negotiating treaties and other agreements with First Nations in British Columbia to support economic investment in the province and to build capacity within British Columbia's First Nations.

The Ministry also has a key role in creating, stimulating and coordinating programs and policies in collaboration with Aboriginal people, whether living on reserve or in urban centers, so they become partners and share in the benefits of reaching government's Five Great Goals to:

  1. Make British Columbia the best educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent.
  2. Lead the way in North America in healthy living and physical fitness.
  3. Build the best system of support in Canada for persons with disabilities, special needs, children at risk and seniors.
  4. Lead the world in sustainable environmental management, with the best air and water quality, and the best fisheries management, bar none.
  5. Create more jobs per capita than anywhere else in Canada.

Vision, Mission and Values


Economic and social benefits for Aboriginal people are achieved through collaborative change. Treaties and other agreements, based on respect and recognition of Aboriginal rights and title, are concluded.


The Ministry provides leadership by working collaboratively with other provincial ministries, Aboriginal organizations, the federal government and other partners to support relationship-building and the elimination of the socio-economic disparity between Aboriginal people and other British Columbians. The Ministry also negotiates and implements treaties and other arrangements with First Nations to provide sustainable economic opportunities and to increase certainty over Crown land and resources in British Columbia.


The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation recognizes that achievement of its goals depends on the continued support of a professional, skilled and knowledgeable workforce. Employees work to accomplish these goals in a progressive, innovative and results-oriented manner. They deliver services efficiently, effectively and with a clear sense of pride and purpose encompassing the following values:

Accountability — being accessible and responsive to our partners and stakeholders; measuring and reporting on our performance at all levels.

Innovation — possessing flexibility and creativity in developing solutions, embracing technological change to capture new opportunities, and making strategic investments in people.

Respect and Integrity — treating our partners and stakeholders as clients, focusing on dedicated and respectful service, placing value on diversity and differing opinions, and conducting ourselves in an ethical and professional manner.

Trust and Honesty — maintaining open and transparent activities and actively responding to public, partner and stakeholder feedback.

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