Report on Resources

For the fiscal year 2005/06, the Ministry of Advanced Education spent $3.73 million less than its budget. Savings were primarily due to lower-than-expected interest rates, increased sinking fund earnings and a redesign of the Passport to Education program. Savings enabled the Ministry to provide a one-time $10.0 million discretionary grant to endow scholarships and to redirect funds to the province's public post-secondary institutions.

The Ministry was also provided with Government contingency access to fund Genome British Columbia ($45.0 million), Alzheimer Research ($15.0 million), Tuition Limit Supplemental Funding ($15.0 million), Extraordinary Mandate for certain collective agreement settlements ($10.3 million), Cancer Research Chair ($4.0 million), and a National Chair on Aboriginal Economic Development ($1.0 million).

Resource Summary Table 2005/06

  Estimated1 Other Authorizations2 Total Estimated Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)
Educational Institutions and Organizations  1,482,317 26,310 1,508,627 1,552,212 43,585
Student Financial Assistance  135,492   135,492 109,933 (25,559)
Debt Service Costs and Amortization of Prepaid Capital Advances  255,859   255,859 235,241 (20,618)
Research and Technology  5,741 64,000 69,741 69,675 (66)
Executive and Support
18,888   18,888 17,816 (1,072)
Total Operating Expenses before Adjustment of Prior Year's Accrual  1,898,297 90,310 1,988,607 1,984,877 (3,730)
Adjustment of Prior Year's Accrual3        (27,465) (27,465)
Total Operating Expenses after Adjustment of Prior Year's Accrual  1,898,297 90,310 1,988,607 1,957,412 (31,195)
Full time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Executive and Support Services  217   217 206 (11)
Total  217   217 206 (11)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Executive and Support Services:          
Information Systems  1,116   1,116 190 (926)
Furniture and Equipment  100   100 13 (87)
Tenant Improvements 250   250 0 (250)
Total  1,466   1,466 203 (1,263)
Capital Plan ($000)
Educational Institutions and Organizations:          
Prepaid Capital Advances  225,700   225,700 223,164 (2,536)
Total  225,700   225,700 223,164 (2,536)
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Student Financial Assistance — BC Student Loan Program:          
Total Receipts  63,072   63,072 47,705 15,367
Total Disbursements  300,800   300,800 214,629 (86,171)
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements)  (237,728)   (237,728) (166,924) (70,804)
1  The "Estimated" amounts correspond to the Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on September 14, 2005.
2  The Ministry accessed government contingency for $90.310 million in 2005/06.
3  As in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), this amount reflects an adjustment of prior year's expense accrual. These dollars are not available for Ministry spending.

Ministry Expenditures by Core Business

The following pie chart shows the Ministry's 2005/06 actual expenditures by core business.

SUCH (schools, universities, colleges and health authorities) Sector Income Statement

For the 2005/06 fiscal year, public post-secondary institutions' actual revenues and expenditures exceeded budget projections. Increased revenues were due to greater than projected government contributions, increased investment income and higher than projected revenues from sales of goods and services. The increase in expenses is primarily due to the one-time salary negotiating incentive payments.

Public Post-Secondary Institutions 2005/06 Budget 2005/06 Actual Variance
Combined Income Statement ($000)
Total Revenue  3,728,000 4,015,000 287,000
Total Expense  3,712,000 3,791,000 79,000
Operating Results  16,000 224,000 208,000
Gain (Loss) on sale of Capital Assets (if applicable)  0 0 0
Net Results  16,000 224,000 208,000

Major Capital Projects

Simon Fraser University (SFU) — Surrey Campus at Surrey Central City


The SFU Central City permanent campus will address current capacity shortages and growing demand for post-secondary education in the South Fraser region. This proposal will provide facilities infrastructure to accommodate enrolment growth of up to 2,500 student FTEs, contingent upon economic conditions and educational considerations.


Ministry Annual/Projected Expenditures
Total Project Cost Ministry Contribution 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008
$80,500,000 $69,763,789 $34,886,586 $5,415,019 $13,885,000 $12,794,000 $2,783,184


Acquiring the Surrey Central City property will enable SFU to expand access in a region that represents 24 per cent of B.C.'s population and includes some of the fastest growing communities in the province.

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