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Report on Resources

The Report on Resources provides an overview of ministry funding and expenditures during 2004/05, and provides comparisons to past years, as appropriate. This section also provides a Resource Summary for 2004/05 by core business area.

Ministry Funding

Total funding available for ministry operations in 2004/05 was $148.8 million (see Resource Summary). The sources of ministry voted funding included:

  • An appropriation of $52.3 million.
  • Recoveries of $96.5 million. Ministry costs are partially recovered from revenues administered by the ministry (see Appendix C).

The ministry's gross funding, total recoveries and net funding have increased over the last three year period. The ministry's 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan indicates that the gross expenditures and recoveries will increase year over year due to the projected increases in revenue and debt collection resulting from the Revenue Management Project and the projected sharing of these realized benefits with EAS (see Figure 5).

Figure 5: Comparison of Gross Funding, Recoveries and Net Funding, 2002/03 – 2007/08.

Figure 5: Comparison of Gross Funding, Recoveries and Net Funding, 2002/03 – 2007/08.

Ministry Expenditures

Ministry expenditures during 2004/05 totalled almost $130.7 million (see Resource Summary) of which $84.8 million was recovered from revenues administered by the ministry. Ministry expenditures included:

  • Salaries and benefits. The largest expenditure for the ministry was salary and benefits ($62.1 million) accounting for 47 per cent of annual expenditures.
  • Non-salary operating costs ($59.9 million) accounted for 46 per cent of annual expenditures.
  • Other expenses (e.g., interest expense, banking charges) accounted for $8.5 million or 7 per cent of expenditures.
  • Government transfers (e.g., grants in lieu of home owner grants under the Indian Self Government Enabling Act) totalled $0.155 million, accounting for less than one per cent of expenditures.

Capital expenditures of almost $23.8 million included $10.5 million capital contingency for the Revenue Management Project capital lease recognition. The ministry overall capital expenditures included $19.1 million for the Revenue Management Project and $4.7 million on other ministry capital projects.

The ministry made financing and transaction disbursements totalling $943.0 million. These disbursements, directed by legislation, return a percentage of specific revenue to identified entities.

The gross expenditures in 2004/05 increased by $20.6 million compared to 2003/04 and by $46.3 million compared to 2002/03 (see Table 5). This change was primarily due to expenditures on the Revenue Management Project, and additional resources allocated to the audit and compliance program.

Ministry Revenue

The ministry provides a central service to the Province for revenue administration and collection. This includes consumption taxes (social service tax, hotel room tax, motor fuel tax, tobacco tax), property taxes (rural property tax, provincial school tax and property transfer tax) and other taxes (corporation capital tax, insurance premiums tax, and logging tax), personal and corporate income tax collected by the Canada Revenue Agency on behalf of the Province, natural resource revenues (natural gas royalties, petroleum royalties, permits and fees and mineral taxes and royalties) and Medical Service Plan premiums and other fees (e.g., ruling fees, clearance certificates). In 2004/05, the ministry administered $18.4 billion in revenue, or approximately 56 per cent of all revenues administered by the Province (see Figure 6). Revenue has increased over the past three years in all categories; $15.5 billion in 2002/03 and $16.9 billion in 2003/04.

Table 5: Expenditures, 2002/03 – 2004/05.

Core Business Areas 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Actual 2004/05 Actual
Operating Expenses ($000)
Revenue Program
Gross 38,593 49,688 54,636
Recoveries (37,827) (47,212) (49,593)
Net 766 2,476 5,043
Revenue Services
Gross 8,764 13,157 13,982
Recoveries (8,418) (12,656) (13,320)
Net 346 501 662
Executive and Support Services
Minister's Office 332 349 361
Corporate Services
Gross 36,630 46,845 61,686
Recoveries (1,390) (21,900)
Subtotal Net 36,630 45,455 39,786
Net 69,962 45,804 40,147
Total Gross 84,319 110,039 130,665
Total Recoveries (46,245) (61,258) (84,813)
Total Net 38,074 48,781 45,852

  Source: Amounts correspond to the Public Accounts for the years noted.

Figure 6: 2004/05 Revenue by Type.

Figure 6: 2004/05 Revenue by Type.

  Source: Ministry of Provincial Revenue

2004/05 Resource Summary

Estimated1 Other
Total Estimated Actual Variance (Actual minus Total Estimated)3
Operating Expenses ($000)
Revenue Programs
Gross 53,564 53,564 54,6365 1,072
Recoveries4 (49,589) (49,589) (49,593) (4)
Net 3,975 3,975 5,043 1,068
Revenue Services
Gross 15,277 15,277 13,982 (1,295)
Recoveries4 (15,251) (15,251) (13,320) 1,931
Net 26 26 662 636
Executive and Support Services
Minister's Office 430 430 361 (69)
Corporate Services
Gross 79,573 79,573 61,686 (17,887)
Recoveries (31,700) (31,700) (21,900) 9,800
Subtotal Net 47,873 47,873 39,786 (8,087)
Net 48,303 48,303 40,147 (8,156)
Total Gross 148,844 148,844 130,665 (18,179)
Total Recoveries5 (96,540) (96,540) (84,813) 11,727
Total 52,304 52,304 45,852 (6,451)
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Revenue Programs 718 718 662 (56)
Revenue Services 114 114 74 (40)
Executive and Support Services 222 222 169 (53)
Total 1,054 1,054 905 (149)
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Revenue Programs 0 0 192 192
Revenue Services 760 10,465 11,225 19,102 7,877
Executive and Support Services 12,537 12,537 4,468 (8,069)
Total 13,297 10,465 23,762 23,762 0
Other Financing Transactions6 ($000)
Revenue Programs
Receipts 940,000 8,031 948,031 938,982 (9,049)
Disbursements 939,100 11,294 950,394 942,964 (7,430)
Net Cash Source (Requirements) 900 (3,263) (2,363) (3,982) (1,619)
Special Accounts — Provincial Home Acquisition Wind up7
Receipts 50 50 188 138
Disbursements 40 40 30 (10)
Net Cash Source (Requirements) 10 10 158 148
Total Receipts 940,050 8,031 948,081 939,170 (8,911)
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) 910 (3,263) (2,353) (3,824) (1,471)

1  The "Estimated" amounts correspond to the Estimates as presented to the Legislative Assembly on February 17, 2004.
2  Other authorizations include supplementary Estimates. The ministry received a capital contingency for costs related to the Revenue Management Project.
3  Variance display convention has been changed this year to be consistent with the change introduced in Public Accounts. Variance is in all cases "Actual" minus "Total Estimates." If the Actual is greater, then the Variance will be displayed as a positive number.
4  Costs are partially recovered from revenues administered by the ministry under statutes listed in Appendix C.
5  Includes $4,493 payments based on contributions.
6  Other Financing Transactions include disbursements by the Province under legislation to government entities. These include disbursements under the Internal Fuel Tax Agreement (Motor Fuel Tax Act), Land Tax Deferment Act, British Columbia Transit Act, Build BC Act, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Act, Rural Area Property Taxes, Tobacco Tax Amendment Act, Tourism British Columbia (Hotel Room Tax Act).
7  This account is established under the Special Appropriation and Control Act effective April 1, 2004, for the purpose of providing for expenditures for the winding up of the loan and financial assistance programs under the Home Conversion and Leasehold Loan Act, the Home Mortgage Assistance Act, the Home Purchase Assistance Act, the Homeowner Interest Assistance Act and the Provincial Home Acquisition Act. Receipts represent repayment of outstanding mortgage loan principal. Disbursements represent repurchased mortgage accounts and guarantee claims paid under the mortgage assistance programs.

Variance Explanations

The ministry underspent its FTE resource complement by 149 positions in 2004/05. This FTE variance reflects the transfer of 217 positions to EAS as of December 2004 and ministry vacancies. For the next three-year period, the ministry has estimated its FTE resources at 837.

Operating expense variances are primarily due to the under expenditure of FTE resources and amortization savings.

Financing transactions resulted in disbursements exceeding receipts by approximately $1.5 million primarily due to disbursements related to the International Fuel Tax Agreement and the Land Tax Deferment Act.


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