Ministry of Provincial Revenue
Appendix C: Legislation Administered by the Ministry
The following statutes, in alphabetical order, are under the administration of the Ministry of Provincial Revenue.
- Corporation Capital Tax Act
- Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt Tax Act
- Forest Act
- Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act
- Forest Stand Management Fund Act
- Home Conversion and Leasehold Loan Act
- Home Mortgage Assistance Program Act
- Home Owner Grant Act
- Home Purchase Assistance Act
- Homeowner Interest Assistance Act
- Hotel Room Tax Act
- Income Tax Act
- Indian Self Government Enabling Act
- Insurance Premium Tax Act
- International Financial Activity Act
- International Financial Business (Tax Refund) Act
- Land Tax Deferment Act
- Logging Tax Act
- Medicare Protection Act
- Mineral Land Tax Act
- Mineral Tax Act
- Mining Tax Act
- Ministry of Forests Act
- Motor Fuel Tax Act
- Petroleum and Natural Gas Act
- Property Transfer Tax Act
- Range Act
- School Act
- Sechelt Indian Government District Home Owner Grant Act
- Social Service Tax Act
- South Moresby Implementation Account Act
- Taxation (Rural Area) Act
- Tobacco Tax Act