BC Public Service Agency
Message from the Minister and Accountability Statement
It is my pleasure to present the 2004/05 annual service plan report for the BC Public Service Agency.
During the 2004/05 reporting year, the Agency continued to support its clients (government ministries/agencies/etc.) rebuild
and sustain a professional public service able to provide quality services to meet the needs of the citizens of British Columbia.
It effectively reallocated resources, and reviewed and improved its programs and services. These initiatives resulted in a
remarkable 62 per cent increase in overall client satisfaction. In addition, the BC Leadership Centre merged with the BC Public
Service Agency to better serve its clients and customers.
I am very proud of the work that the Agency has undertaken, and the commitment and dedication of the public service towards
achieving government's vision of being the best public service in Canada.
I want to commend the Agency, and its management team, for demonstrating real leadership and I wish to thank all civil servants,
in every part of the province, for their enthusiasm, creativity, and resourcefulness. A dedicated public service supports
government's strategic goals for a strong and vibrant economy, supportive social fabric, safe, healthy communities and a sustainable
The following report describes the activities and achievements of the BC Public Service Agency for the fiscal 2004/05.
The 2004/05 BC Public Service Agency Annual Service Plan Report compares the actual results to the expected results identified
in the Agency's 2004/05 Service Plan. I am accountable for those results as reported.
Honourable Joyce Murray
Minister of Management Services
June 1, 2005