2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report
Environmental Assessment Office
Environmental Assessment Office plays an important role in British Columbia
by delivering a thorough, timely and integrated environmental assessment
review process that promotes the provincial goal of sustainability
by protecting the environment and fostering a sound economy.
Recent reforms to the environmental assessment process to streamline
and customize review procedures are beginning to demonstrate increased
business and industry confidence. More proponents are entering the
process voluntarily and new provincial timelines are providing process
certainty. Changes to the process are intended to contribute to
the government's strategic priorities for an improved investment
climate while preserving high environmental standards.
I am pleased to present the British Columbia Environmental Assessment
Office's Annual Report for the period April 1, 2003 to March 31,
2004. The purpose of this report is to facilitate the public's understanding
of the core business of the Environmental Assessment Office, the
resources it employs and its progress towards achieving performance
targets outlined in the Environmental Assessment Office's Service
Plan 2003/04 to 2005/06.
I look forward to the future as the Environmental Assessment Office
monitors the implementation of the Environmental Assessment Act
and we continue to improve the way that environmental assessment
is done in this province.
Honourable George Abbott
Minister of Sustainable Resource Management
and Minister Responsible for the Environmental Assessment Office