Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.
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Appendix 1: Information to Note  
Appendix 2: Performance Reporting Definitions, Rationales and Trends  

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Appendix 2: Performance Reporting Definitions, Rationales, and Trends

Performance Measure: Percentage of community living clients receiving direct or individualized funding (IF/DF)
Why did we choose to measure it? • This measure is one of the indicators of the how much government has increased flexibility and choice in the service system as suggested by what percentage of our clients are making use of this initiative.

• The IF/DF approach gives service users decision-making power about what services they purchase, and puts service providers in the position of having to respond directly and be accountable to the consumers of their services.

How was the target selected?

• The project began as a joint initiative in 2003/04 with the Interim Authority for Community Living BC. In the summer of 2003, a draft agreement was developed regarding implementation of IF/DF.

• Phase 1 was to offer IF/DF to 150 adults currently receiving MCFD services.

What was measured?

• The total number of community living clients (adults) receiving direct or individualized funding, expressed as a percentage of total residential and non-residential clients within the fiscal year.

What is the multi-year trend?

• The new measure in 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan has a baseline of 3,150 for 2003/04 (includes 150 adults and 3,000 families of children with special needs.

• The target for 2004/05 is 3,500*, including an additional 150 adults with development disabilities, and an additional 200 families of children with special needs). Target for 2005/06 is 3,800* (to be confirmed).

*Note: The 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan target for 2004/05 (4,200) and 2005/06 (5,850) was published incorrectly.

What else is important about this measure?

• IF/DF is a joint initiative with the Interim Authority for Community Living BC and is supported by the community living sector.

• IF/DF is a payment mechanism that should lead to cost savings over time.

How did we measure it?

• IF Facilitators develop personal support plans for adult participants. Facilitators submit reports to HQ on a bi-weekly basis.

Where did we get the data?

• Management Information System (MIS), Social Worker Information System (SWS), Resources and Payment (RAP), and Management, Analysis, and Reporting System (MARS).


Performance Measure: Number of children and youth receiving community child and youth mental health services
How was the target selected?

• The target was set based on the implementation of the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan and an anticipated capacity increase, as well as expected increased efficiency.

What was measured?

• Number of registered clients under the age of 18 who receive services from MCFD staffed mental health service providers at any given time during the fiscal year.

What is the multi-year trend?

• MCFD staffed service providers served approximately 11,100 clients in 2001/02, which was approximately half of the total Child and Youth Mental Health Services budget.

• An increase in clients served in the future is anticipated as the Child and Youth Mental Health Plan is implemented.

What else is important about this measure?

• The ministry is implementing a new information system that has the capacity of tracking client outcomes as well as aggregate outcomes by program. By 2005/06, the new data system will more accurately reflect service delivery.

Why did we choose to measure it?

• The ministry needs to know how many people are served in this service as part of ensuring an efficient service delivery system.

How did we measure it?

• Numbers are estimates only, as only partial client data are captured by the current information system.

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• Excludes data from the ministry's contracted agencies and short-term services but will be addressed by the new information system.

Where did we get the data?

• BC Ministry of Health Services — Client/Patient Information System (CPIM).


Performance Measure: Number of public/private/community partnerships to promote early childhood development initiatives
Why did we choose to measure it?

• Long term and sustainable capacity building in the early childhood sector is dependent on the investment of the broader community — beyond government. Private/ public partnerships encourage this investment from community and corporate stakeholders.

How was the target selected?

• The indicated targets were seen as both achievable yet challenging.

What was measured? • "Public" refers to the governmental or public service partner, while "private" refers to the corporate or for-profit sector. Both partners contribute to and reap the social benefits of the partnership.
What is the multi-year trend?

• Private-public partnerships in the social service sector are a relatively new phenomenon. We expect to see continued growth in the number and extent of such partnerships, yet we must have realistic expectations about the potential for growth in this area.

How did we measure it?

• The number of partnerships that exist are cumulative.

Where did we get the data?

• Early Childhood Development Branch — MCFD.

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Performance Measure: Number of Aboriginal communities with early childhood development programs
Why did we choose to measure it?

• This measure represents the ministry's commitment to building capacity in Aboriginal communities to deliver a wide range of services, including Aboriginal early childhood development programs.

How was the target selected?

• New initiative in 2001/02 — Regions targeted 25 Aboriginal communities to receive funding.

What was measured?

• Number of Aboriginal communities that have sustainable Aboriginal ECD programs.

What is the multi-year trend?

• 18 projects originally targeted for funding but the ministry was ultimately able to fund 41 for 2004/05.

What else is important about this measure?

• An evaluation of some of these programs is underway.

How did we measure it?

• Ministry staff track Aboriginal ECD programs.

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• Methods of gathering information may vary from region to region.

Where did we get the data?

• Aboriginal ECD Database. BC Stats also assisting with developing formalized data tracking system.


Performance Measure: Percentage of children with special needs receiving ministry-funded services that are receiving direct or individualized funding
Why did we choose to measure it?

• This measure is one of the indicators of the how much government has increased flexibility and choice in the service system as suggested by what percentage of our clients are making use of this initiative.

• The IF/DF approach gives service users decision-making power about what services they purchase, and puts service providers in the position of having to respond directly and be accountable to the consumers of their services.

How was the target selected?

• This is a new measure. The 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan only called for the establishment of a baseline, so no target was set for this measure.

What was measured?

• Funding is provided directly to families of children with special needs to purchase intervention or support services.

What else is important about this measure? • This measure has been changed in the 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan to include the number of adult clients receiving IF/DF, in addition to the number of children with special needs receiving IF/DF.
How did we measure it?

• Total numbers of children receiving direct funding in the: At Home Program; Respite; Interim Early Intensive Intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder under six years of age; and Extended Autism Intervention for children over six years of age, as a percentage of total children with special needs receiving ministry-funded services.

Where did we get the data?

• Count of families of children with special needs currently receiving IF/DF funding.


Performance Measure: Rate of children in care (per 1,000 children under 19 years of age)
Why did we choose to measure it?

• Families have the right and primary responsibility to protect and support the growth and development of children and youth. One of the ministry's goals is to support, strengthen, and develop family capacity, and to reduce the number of children in the care of the ministry.

How was the target selected?

• The target was selected to match the children in-care rate for the Canadian national average. In March 2002, the rate of children in care per 1,000 children under 19 years of age was 9.0 for Canada and 10.8 for BC.

What was measured?

• Total number of children in care divided by all children under 19 years of age in BC.

What is the multi-year trend?

• From 1996 to 2001 there was significant growth in the number of children in care of the ministry, with the number rising by over 60 per cent, peaking at 10,775 children in June 2001.

• Following a trend begun in June 2001, the total number of children in care continued to decline in 2003/04. In March 2004, there were 9,086 children in care, the lowest number since October 1997. This equates to about 9.9 per 1,000, down from 10.4 per 1,000 at the start of the fiscal year and 10.7 per 1,000 the previous year.

How did we measure it?

• Total number of children in care each March (fiscal year end) divided by all children under 19 years of age in BC for that year, multiplied by 1,000.

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• Rates are subject to population variations, which is beyond the control of the ministry.

Where did we get the data?

• Decision Support and Economic Analysis, MCFD.

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Performance Measure: Number of children in care adopted per fiscal year
Why did we choose to measure it?

• One of the challenges in child welfare is planning for life-long relationships and permanency for children in the continuing care of the ministry. Finding adoption placements for as many children as possible is essential.

How was the target selected?

• This is a relatively new measure. Baseline information was gathered from 2000/01. Since then a major adoptive parent recruitment campaign was initiated.

• Changes to the service delivery system include a family development approach and an increased focus on permanency options that emphasize out-of-care initiatives for children. This results in fewer children coming into the care of ministry and fewer still remaining in continuing care.

• Targets were set conservatively to account for the uncertainties related to the decentralization of adoption services to the regions and the declining numbers of children in continuing care of the government eligible for adoption.

What was measured?

• The number of children in the continuing care of the government who are placed with approved adoptive families longer than six months.

What is the multi-year trend?

• The multi-year trend is dependent upon a number of factors but a decrease is anticipated. This will be affected by: the anticipated decrease in the number of children in continuing care of the government who are available for adoption, a higher proportion of children with special needs for whom there are fewer adoption opportunities, and a limit to the number of adoptive families that are available.

What else is important about this measure? • Although this measure is not in the 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan it will continue to be monitored internally.
How did we measure it?

• The results are measured through reports from the adoption management system (AMS).

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• The number is our best estimate because there is often a delay in data entry; the actual number may be higher.

Where did we get the data?

• The Adoption Management System (AMS).


Performance Measure: Percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by delegated Aboriginal agencies
Why did we choose to measure it?

• This represents the ministry's commitment to building the capacity of Aboriginal communities to provide programs and services in a more culturally appropriate way.

How was the target selected? • An error occurred when the 2003/04 Service Plan target was published at 46  per cent. The ministry's original plan as of March 2003 was to transfer 1,500 children in care to the care of Aboriginal agencies.

• With 4,200+ Aboriginal children and youth under the ministry's care at the time, this would have meant a more realistic target of 35 per cent

What was measured?

• Total number of children in care served by delegated Aboriginal agencies, expressed as a percentage of all Aboriginal children in care.

What is the multi-year trend? • Though less than desired, the percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by delegated Aboriginal agencies has increased from 20  per cent in the baseline year of 2002/03, to 29 per cent in 2003/04.

• Meeting the 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan year target (40 per cent) will be challenging.

How did we measure it?

• Fiscal year-end counts of Aboriginal child and youth in care, as of March 31.

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• The ministry's new focus on having more children in care adopted might undercut achieving the intended results of this measure. However, it serves the same Service Plan objective, to improve the safety and well-being of children and youth in continuing care.

Where did we get the data?

• The ministry's Social Worker Information System.


Performance Measure: Rate of youth in custody based on a proportion of all 12-17 year olds (per 10,000)
Why did we choose to measure it?

• This measure is considered a standard gauge of how much the youth correctional system relies on incarceration. It also is an indicator of the effectiveness of community based alternatives to custody, which over time reduce reliance on custody.

• It is consistent with the measure used nationally.

• This measure allows comparisons over time and across jurisdictions.

How was the target selected?

• The specific target was identified by reviewing historical and recent rates in BC, and in other Canadian jurisdictions, based on data produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics (CCJS).

What was measured?

• The number of youth sentenced to or remanded into youth custody per 10,000 youth in the general population. Per capita rates enable comparisons over time and between jurisdictions, by adjusting for changes/differences in the population base.

What is the multi-year trend?

• There has been a significant reduction in the reported rate of custody up to and including 2003/04; in future years the trend will be affected by as yet unknown impacts of the new federal youth justice legislation.

What else is important about this measure? • BC had the lowest reported youth custody per capita rate in Canada for the baseline year (2001/02). There is a continuing downward trend, and the lowest rate within BC in the last 20 years. In the base year, comparable rates in other jurisdictions were from a high of 36 youth in custody per 10,000 youth in the general population in Saskatchewan, with the next lowest after BC being 15 in Alberta and PEI.
How did we measure it?

• The calculations are based on average daily count. "Daily count" is the number of youth in custody on any given day within the fiscal year. Figures are confirmed by CCJS.

Where did we get the data?

• CCJS, Census data (number of youth age 12 to 17 inclusive) and ministry daily youth custody counts.

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Performance Measure: Number of interim authorities that have met the readiness criteria for the establishment of a permanent authority within the fiscal year
Why did we choose to measure it?

• The establishment of community-based governance bodies represents the ministry's commitment to BC communities and to the individuals served by the ministry's programs, for a service system that is responsive and accessible.

• This measure allows the public to know whether governance responsibility for service delivery has been moved to communities.

How was the target selected?

• The ministry planned for the establishment of Interim Authorities (IA's) that would evolve into permanent community-based governance bodies. At the time this target was set, the ministry believed that the capacity to develop five non-Aboriginal IA's was available and the target was attainable. Additionally, Community Living BC (CLBC) was already established as an IA preparing to assume responsibility for Community Living Services.

What was measured?

• Total number of authorities meeting a pre-determined set of readiness requirements for governance and management of service delivery.

What is the multi-year trend?

• The first IA established — the IA for CLBC — was the first to prepare to meet the readiness criteria. The readiness review of CLBC in the fall of 2003 indicated that some fundamental issues had not been addressed appropriately. This review is still underway as of March 2004.

• The establishment of regional Authorities is a multi-year endeavour and the ministry remains committed to the process.

How did we measure it?

• Through independent assessment/review.

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• Measures only readiness as established by the set of readiness criteria. It does not measure whether the Authority is actually established and operating.

Where did we get the data?

• Governance Transition and Support Branch, Transition Services Division.


Performance Measure: Reduce ministry's regulatory burden by 40 per cent by end of fiscal 2004/05
Why did we choose to measure it?

• It is the essential measure to determine whether we have successfully reduced the "red tape", to allow staff to focus on clients rather than excessive paperwork.

How was the target selected?

• As part of its New Era commitment, the Government promised to cut red tape across all ministries by one third within three years. MCFD set a 40 per cent target and scheduled 30 per cent for March 31, 2004. This is because policy reductions resulting from the shift to community-based governance were anticipated to be large and to occur by March 31, 2004.

What was measured?

• "Regulatory requirement" means a compulsion, obligation, demand or prohibition placed by legislation or regulation on an individual, entity or activity.

What is the multi-year trend?

• Deregulation is a three-year project, from June 5, 2001 to June 5, 2004. MCFD reductions in 2002/03 were 45 per cent

• Its projected reduction for June 5, 2004 is 51.3 per cent.
What else is important about this measure?

• Of the six ministries that set a reduction target for March 31, 2004 of 30 per cent or greater, MCFD exceeded its target by the greatest proportion: 21.9 per cent.

How did we measure it?

• A staff member in each program area counted the number of regulatory requirements in each act, regulation, or policy. The Ministry deregulation contact enters that number into the deregulation database, as of the date of the decision to implement or change the act, regulation or policy, (i.e., the date that an act or regulation comes into force).

What are the things to keep in mind when reading the results?

• The actual impact of the reduction is less than anticipated because a significant portion of the reduction was due to policy duplication.

Where did we get the data?

• The Government's Deregulation Office issues policy and guidelines on how to count regulatory requirements. The ministry deregulation contact is responsible for providing those instructions to a staff member in each program area, who does the counting. At MCFD, the ministry deregulation contact is the Manager of Legislation.


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