Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Performance Reporting

Core Business Area: Corporate Support

Goal: Support services enable ministry programs to meet their objectives

The Corporate Services Department supports the ministry and its branches in achieving their objectives which furthers the mission and vision of the ministry. The department supports the ministry itself to function as a safe, sustainable, liveable and healthy community.

Objectives and Strategies

Objective 1: Corporate support services are responsive, innovative and efficient.

Key Strategies Undertaken:

  • New information management systems were implemented for Child Care and Safety Engineering Services.
Performance Measure 2003/04
  Target Actual Variance
Output: Common access to all ministry computer applications (percentage of staff using Virtual Office desktop environment). 80% 95% +18.7%
(Reached 187%
of target)

Explanation of Variance:

Improvements to the flexibility of Virtual Office enabled more core business applications to be available through this technology, resulting in a greater percentage of ministry staff that could use it.

Objective 2: Organizational change is successfully managed.

  • Human resource services were transferred to the BC Public Service Agency.
  • Human Resource Renewal strategy was developed and implemented.
Performance Measure 2003/04
  Target Actual Variance
Output: Training on employee performance and development plans. 200 staff
in 15 sessions
85 -115
Outcome: Performance of individual staff is clearly linked to performance of the ministry as a whole.

Measure: Percentage of staff with Employee Performance and Development Plan.

20% 40% +100%
(Reached 200%
of target)

Explanation of Variance:

In anticipation of losing resources as a result of the move of many human resource functions to the BC Public Service Agency, an accelerated training schedule was undertaken in 2002/03. This lowered the number of people to be trained in 2003/04. Additionally, individual departments undertook some training through the use of contracted service providers. One department elected to do Employee Performance and Development Plans for all staff in 2003/04, although the original ministry target was for only management staff. This, plus additional people being trained on EPDPs, resulted in a greater proportion of staff with one in place.


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