Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.
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Message from the Ministers  
Accountability Statements  
Year-at-a-Glance Highlights  
Ministry Role and Services  
Performance Reporting  
Report on Resources  
Appendix A: Ministry Agencies, Boards and Commissions  
Appendix B: Ministry Departments and Branches  

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2003/04 Annual Service Plan Reports Home  

Performance Reporting

The following section outlines how the ministry's goals support its vision, mission and core business areas. It also reports on the ministry's success in meeting the performance targets identified in its Service Plan for 2003/04. Variances are discussed in cases where performance levels differed substantially from Service Plan targets. Because a significant portion of the ministry's work focuses on policy and program development rather than direct service delivery, and because it depends on many partners to achieve its results, outcomes can be difficult to measure. The ministry is working to address this by building capacity and increasing accountability among its partner organizations to improve and better account for results. The ministry is also continually working to define outcomes and measures that are meaningful and effective, given the nature of its work.

The pie chart below illustrates how the ministry's resources, allocated according to its core business areas, are used to further its goals.

Link. 2003/04 Actual Expenditures by Core Business

Report on Results


Goal: Open, accountable and effective local governments




Goal: Housing needs and safe building standards are met




Goal: Loss of life, injury and property damage are minimized in the built environment




Goal: British Columbians participate and excel in culture, heritage and sports




Goal: British Columbia is host to the 2010 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games




Goal: Quality of life is improved for Aboriginal people




Goal: The social and economic benefits of immigration and multiculturalism are maximized




Goal: Women's unique social and economic needs are addressed




Goal: A sustainable child care system that meets the needs of families




Goal: Support services enable ministry programs to meet their objectives



In 2001, as part of the government-wide initiative to reduce regulatory burden, the Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services initiated a comprehensive plan to significantly reduce its baseline count of 71,278 regulatory requirements. The ministry established a cumulative target reduction of 35.1 per cent for 2003/04, with a total reduction of 37.1 per cent by June 5, 2004.

The ministry exceeded its 2003/04 target by a substantial margin. This is due to reductions associated with the introduction of the new Railway Safety Act which was not anticipated in the ministry's original deregulation targets. The March 31, 2004, reduction status of 46.9 per cent also exceeds the ministry's final service plan reduction target of 37.1 per cent by June 5, 2004. The ministry is now projecting a total reduction of close to 50 per cent by June 5, 2004.

Program Area Baseline June 2002 2003/04 Per cent Reduction
Safety 8,532 561 93.4%
Railway 10,218 14 99.9%
Fire 4,223 4,223 0.0%
Local Government 12,106 9,441 22.0%
Heritage Conservation 17,324 5,483 68.4%
Building 13,182 13,182 0.0%
Arts, Culture and Sport 2,699 2,542 5.8%
Housing 1,106 1,074 2.9%
Libraries 1,009 646 36.0%
Child Care 797 640 19.7%
Aboriginal, Multicultural and Immigration 42 42 0.0%
Total 71,238 37,848 46.9%


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