Ministry 2003/04 Annual Service Plan Report - Government of British Columbia.

Performance Reporting

Goal 3: Human Resource Organization — To ensure that the human resource organization for the BC government public service is efficiently and effectively organized, staffed and supported.

Objectives Key Strategies
Create a new, responsive human resource organization delivering quality services to ministry clients.

• Review and implement changes to the design of government's human resource service delivery structure to support government direction toward shared services, achieve efficiencies and provide responsive, quality service to client ministries.

Provide up-to-date, effective, high quality services and programs to client ministries in the areas of staffing, classification, compensation and benefits, occupational health and safety, and labour relations.

• Review all human resource policies and procedures with a goal of reducing regulatory requirements and ensuring streamlined and flexible human resource practices.

• Establish a safe and healthy workplace strategy.

• Administer collective agreements in an efficient manner that protects the collective interests of ministries and ensures consistent application.

• Prepare for and successfully renegotiate expired agreements with employee groups within the fiscal mandate while maintaining management flexibility and competitive total compensation.


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