Ministry 2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Report on ResourcesContinued

2002/03 Resource Summary — Ministry of Transportation

  Estimated Other Authorizations Total Actual Variance
Operating Expenses ($000)1
Highway Operations 449,304   449,304 455,205 (5,901)
Transportation Improvements 13,981   13,981 9,817 4,164
Motor Vehicle Regulation 4,537   4,537 4,255 282
Corporate Services 20,521   20,521 18,578 1,943
Public Transit 250,162 10,466 260,628 260,628
Statutory Accounts   70 70 70
Total 738,505 10,536 749,041 748,553 488
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)2
Total 1,695 1,695 1,542 153
Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) ($000)3
Highway Operations 4,265   4,265 3,388 877
Transportation Improvements 1,420   1,420 1,915 (495)
Motor Vehicle Regulation 250   250 345 (95)
Corporate Services 2,815   2,815 652 2,163
Total 8,750 8,750 6,300 2,450
Other Financing Transactions ($000)4
Prepaid Capital Advances (Public Transit) 155,070   155,070 71,354 83,716
Revenue ($000)5
Revenue 46,285   46,285 47,938 1,653
1 The ministry manages its operating budget to the bottom line by monitoring expenditures during the year, identifying potential savings and cost pressures, and reallocating funds accordingly. Cost pressures funded in 2002/03 included revised operating schedules for inland ferries and remedial work resulting from slides and washouts. Public Transit's "Other Authorization" of $10.466 million was funded by the Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs Vote for the write-off of Rapid Transit Project 2000 capital costs.
2 Full-time Equivalents (FTEs) staff usage was under budget due to the voluntary departure and early retirement incentive programs, and the earlier than anticipated transfer of shared services staff to central agencies.
3 Ministry Capital Expenditures (CRF) were lower than anticipated due to the transfer of responsibility for funding of information systems acquisitions to Solutions BC, and ferry rehabilitation work being charged to the operating budget.
4 Prepaid Capital Advances were under budget due to lower than anticipated expenditures for the delivery of the Rapid Transit Project 2000.
5 The majority of the ministry's revenue comes from Coquihalla tolls ($45.4 million in 2002/03).


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