2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report
Public Service Employee Relations Commission |
Public Service Employee Relations Commission has, over the past
year, completed a transition of significant proportions in order
to meet the goal of being more cost-effective and client-service
oriented. Extensive consultation, across many levels of the B.C.
public service, resulted in the consolidation of human resource
services into one agency for all of government.
On April 1, 2003 the new BC Public Service Agency and Leadership
Centre emerged as the result of this intensive process.
The visions for these two new organizations are strongly aligned
with the renewal of B.C.'s public service. The Agency and Leadership
Centre reflect values that support a workforce focused on excellence
through employee performance, learning, innovation and progressive
employer-employee relationships.
This annual report charts the final year of the Public Service
Employee Relations Commission. It describes the transformation that
has resulted in human resources programs that reflect the best modern
practice. Government ministries are now seen as clients and professional
development opportunities are becoming readily available to the
staff of the largest employer in the province.
I am confident that the BC Public Service Agency is now ready to
support excellence in our public service. British Columbia will
benefit from the results.
Honourable Sandy Santori
Minister of Management Services and
Minister Responsible for the Public Service Employee Relations Commission