2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.
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2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report
Office of the Premier

Office of the Premier Role and Services


The Premier serves as the President of the Executive Council (Cabinet) and head of the Government of British Columbia. As head of the government and Cabinet, the Premier provides leadership to, and cohesion among, ministers, ministries and all agencies of government. The Office of the Premier provides advice and support to the Premier, Cabinet and Caucus to set priorities and to facilitate smooth and effective operations of the Government of British Columbia. The Office works closely with all ministries and major agencies to support their work and to ensure policy coordination across government. In addition, the Office of the Premier provides leadership to the public service.

The Premier, with the support of the Office, is responsible for ensuring the New Era vision is implemented in a timely, open and accountable fashion. The New Era vision has led to the establishment of an overarching Vision for the Government of British Columbia. The Office of the Premier, together with all government ministries and Crown agencies, is accountable for the achievement of the Government's Vision.

The New Era Vision

The New Era document contains many far-reaching policy objectives. Ten specific objectives were highlighted for the future:

  1. A top-notch education system for students of all ages.
  2. High-quality public health-care services that meet all patients' needs where they live and when they need it.
  3. A thriving private sector economy that creates high-paying job opportunities.
  4. Safer streets and schools in every community.
  5. Better services for children, families and First Nations.
  6. The fastest growing technology industry in Canada.
  7. A leading-edge forest industry that is globally recognized for its productivity and environmental stewardship.
  8. Greater equity and equality for British Columbia in Canada.
  9. The most open, accountable and democratic government in Canada.
  10. Responsible, accountable management of your public resources and tax dollars.

These policy objectives have led to the development of an overarching vision for the Government of British Columbia.

Government of British Columbia Vision

The Premier and the Office of the Premier have a broad responsibility for the achievement of the Government's vision, outlined in the British Columbia Government Strategic Plan 2002/03 –2004/05; Restoring Hope and Prosperity:

British Columbia is a prosperous and just province, whose citizens achieve their potential and have confidence in the future.

Office of the Premier Mission and Values


The Office of the Premier has specific accountability for the restructuring of government, the strategic use of technology, effective and transparent communications, the relationship with Crown corporations, and the development of positive intergovernmental relations. The mission of the Office of the Premier is:

To ensure the achievement of the New Era and Government's vision through leadership across government and Crown agencies in innovative planning, timely decision-making and effective service delivery, supported by leading-edge technology, open and transparent communications and positive intergovernmental relations.


The Office of the Premier's leadership of government is founded upon the following core values:

  • Integrity: to make decisions in a manner that is consistent, professional, fair and balanced.
  • Fiscal Responsibility: to implement affordable public policies.
  • Accountability: to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and credibility of government.
  • Respect: to treat all citizens equitably, compassionately and respectfully.
  • Choice: afford citizens the opportunity to exercise self-determination.

Principles — The Way We Work

In fulfilling our corporate leadership role, the Office of the Premier acts in accordance with the following principles:

  • Results-oriented and client focused;
  • Innovative and accountable public management;
  • Focus on New Era priorities;
  • Collaborative partnerships within the public sector and the broader provincial communities;
  • Simplification of government regulations and processes;
  • Focus on support and facilitation rather than direct control over the lives of people, businesses and organizations.


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Office of the Premier Operating Context

In pursuing its vision and outcomes, the Office of the Premier is confronted by a number of challenges and opportunities that inform its planning context over the next three years.

  • Coordinating and leading in a complex and rapidly changing global environment.
  • Capitalizing on economic and business opportunities that ensure future growth and prosperity as a result of globalization, increased international competition and trade liberalization.
  • Enabling the transformation and continuous improvement of government to respond to the everyday needs of the people of British Columbia.
  • Public expectations will continue to emphasize greater transparency, accountability and improved service quality from government at reduced cost.
  • British Columbia's private sector wants to be a valued partner in the provision of government services.
  • There is a global focus on developing information-based economies requiring the public sector to provide leadership in innovative service delivery.

Update on New Era Commitments

Government has already achieved 180 of its 201 New Era commitments. During the 2002/03 fiscal year, the Office of the Premier made a great deal of progress on implementing its New Era commitments. Significant achievements include:

  • Ensuring that Crown corporations are subject to local zoning and land-use bylaws. Crown corporations have been advised to honour the policy, and a cross-government working group has been established to formally implement it.
  • Restore an independent B.C. Utilities Commission to re-regulate B.C. Hydro's electricity rates. Under the government's new energy plan, BC Hydro rates will be re-regulated under the B.C. Utilities Commission effective March 31, 2003.
  • Not sell or privatize B.C. Rail. As a result of the Core Services Review, government has determined that B.C. Rail will not been sold or privatized.
  • Protect BC Hydro and all of its core assets, including dams, reservoirs and power lines under public ownership. As a result of the Core Services Review and the government's new energy plan, B.C. Hydro has been restructured to focus all of its activities on its core functions, with the result that all of its core assets, including dams, reservoirs and power lines continue to be under public ownership.
  • Introduced greater competition in auto insurance to create increased choice and reduce motor vehicle premiums. As a result of the Core Services Review, the B.C. Utilities Commission will be responsible for regulating the optional insurance market.
  • Aggressively support and champion British Columbia's bid to host the 2010 Winter Olympics. The government has committed over $600 million for a successful bid, including $310 million for venues, $87.5 million for security and a $200-million contingency fund.
  • Ensure that major capital spending decisions and land-use decisions involving the Agricultural Land Reserve, new parks, land claims and tenure reforms are decided by Cabinet in public, not behind closed doors. Cabinet has made policy decisions publicly on issues such as revitalizing treaty negotiations, treaty-related measures, economic measures with First Nations, the creation of new parks, and the Central Coast Land Use Plan.
  • Lead annual "Leading Edge" marketing missions to promote B.C. technology and investment. Premier Campbell led the first Leading Edge mission to California in November 2002.
  • Restore B.C. as a world leader in e-government, to give all citizens and businesses better online access to core services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The new government Enterprise Portal is under development. Community access terminals have been installed in all 58 government agent offices. The OneStop Business Services program allows businesses to complete multiple government applications and change their business addresses online.
  • Hold Open Cabinet meetings at least once a month that are televised and broadcast live on the Internet. To date, 23 Open Cabinet meetings have been held.

Office of the Premier Core Business Areas

The structure and core business areas of the Office of the Premier are intended to facilitate the achievement of the government's key strategic goals and objectives as stated in the New Era document and Government's Strategic Plan, and to focus the activities of the Office to enable the efficient delivery of our core business priorities.

1. Executive and Support Services

Office of the Chief of Staff: manages key relationships on behalf of the Premier; provides strategic advice, communications, media relations and issues management support directly to the Premier.

Deputy Ministers to the Premier: provide leadership and coordination across all ministries and agencies of government for development of policies, legislation and public service reform.

Cabinet Operations: provides administrative support and services for Cabinet decision-making processes and facilitates the effective operation of Cabinet, and Cabinet and Government Caucus Committees.

2. Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat

The Secretariat works with all ministries and agencies of government to ensure that relations with federal, provincial and international governments advance British Columbia's interests.

3. Chief Information Office

This Office establishes the strategic direction and corporate governance of information management and information technology. The Chief Information Office was transferred to the Ministry of Management Services, which is responsible for all government shared services.

4. Public Affairs Bureau

The Public Affairs Bureau leads and coordinates communications with internal and external stakeholders and ensures that information about government programs and services is accessible to British Columbians.

5. Board Resourcing and Development Office

The Board Resourcing and Development Office ensures the appointment of fully qualified Boards of Directors for Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs).

6. Crown Agencies Secretariat

The Crown Agencies Secretariat oversees the system of Crown corporations and provides advice, information and support to improve good governance and accountability for results.

Associated Agencies

Premier's Technology Council: advises the Premier on key technology issues associated with the New Era commitments to bridge the digital divide, supports a growing technology industry in British Columbia and works with the technology industry to capitalize on the province's growth potential in this sector.

British Columbia Progress Board: an independent board established to provide a new level of accountability by establishing specific economic, social, environmental and community goals and monitoring government's progress towards these goals.


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