2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 4: To ensure that government operations are efficient, open and accountable.

Objectives Strategies
4.1. Focus on, and implementation of, cross government priorities.

• Provide a high quality of administrative support and services for Cabinet decision-making processes.

• Refocus and restructure government communications services.

• Provide accessible information on government policy, programs and services.

• Drive the transformation process in government.

4.2. Effective decision-making processes.
4.3. Open and effective communication.

Measures and Targets

Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Quality standards set for material for Cabinet and committee consideration Targets met Completed. Ninety-five per cent of material prepared for Cabinet and committee consideration is meeting quality standards. Five per cent is returned to Ministries for further work.
Standards set for timely decision-making to meet government's strategic priorities in policy and legislation Base measures to be established by survey with Government Caucus Committees Completed. Base measures have been established by survey with Government Caucus Committees.
Open Cabinet meetings held monthly and decisions made in public on major capital spending and land-use issues. At least 12 meetings per year televised and webcast Underway. Meetings have been held monthly except in August, October and January. The content discussed at the nine Open Cabinet meetings held in 2002/03 were consistent with the New Era commitment to ensure decisions on major capital spending and land-use issues are made in public.
Implementation of initiatives across government Establish a target for the number of government-wide and other major projects to be implemented by the Office of the Premier Completed. The Office of the Premier will be responsible on an annual basis for leadership of four cross-ministry targets. This target is reflected in the Office of the Premier's 2003/04–2005/06 Service Plan.
Implementation of initiatives across government Number and percentage of government-wide and other major projects managed within approved specifications Completed. For the 2002/03 fiscal year, the Office of the Premier managed the following cross-ministry projects:

• Provided ongoing support and leadership of Public Service Renewal.

• Worked with representatives from all Ministries to develop the 2003/04–2005/06 Government Strategic Plan.

• Led the Regional Service Delivery Project. A long-term strategy to optimize regional service delivery has been developed to support local and regional offices to maximize cooperation and service availability through a stable government presence, convenience of service delivery and, where feasible, single-window public accessibility to government services.

Percentage of projects completed to final or progressive timelines Completed. Each of the cross-ministry projects identified have been completed or advanced along progressive timelines.
Finalize a new service delivery framework for the Public Affairs Bureau Implement new model Completed. A new service delivery model for government communications was announced on June 26, 2002, aimed at communicating more efficiently through a shared-service approach that fosters greater flexibility, confidence, competence and cost-effectiveness at every level. The government recognized that it must do a better job of giving people the facts and information they want and need to properly understand the changes their elected representatives are making in the public interest, and is intent on ensuring that all misinformation is immediately corrected. This has been accomplished with substantially fewer staff.
Develop client feedback mechanism Completed. Client feedback mechanisms have been established for two of the Bureau's primary client groups: ministers' office staff and the media. Meetings are held each morning with ministers' staff, allowing for continuous feedback on current issues and events. A media enquiry line has been established that operates 24 hours, seven days a week to ensure media receive the information they need when they need it.
Establish performance targets Completed. Performance targets have been established for the Public Affairs Bureau as follows:

• Ministers' office communications: respond to issues within appropriate timeframes.

• Media enquiries: provide 24 hour a day, seven days a week response to all media enquiries and provide follow-up within specified timeframes.

• Timely, accurate information: continue to televise Open Cabinet meetings; ensure the government Web site is updated to reflect new initiatives as they are announced, incorporating video streaming and updating the photo gallery where appropriate.


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