2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 3: To manage public resources and tax dollars within ministries and agencies responsibly and accountably.

Objectives Strategies
3.1. Create an efficient, accountable and effective system of Crown corporations.

• Ensure effective oversight of the system of Crown corporations in British Columbia.

• Make merit-based board appointments in a transparent manner that represents community needs.

• Complete the Core Services Review of all government agencies and implement the Core Services Review and Deregulation Task Force recommendations.

3.2. Ensure that all boards of Crown corporations and provincial agencies have the skills required to manage the affairs of their organizations.
3.3. Ensure that ministries and government organizations are publicly accountable to taxpayers both in the delivery of effective programs and services and in fiscal management.
3.4. Focus government on the delivery of core services.

Measures and Targets

Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Core Services Review completion and rate of implementation 1. 100% of Core Services Reviews complete

2. At least 33% of recommendations implemented

3. 30% reduction from base in number of Crown agencies

1. Underway. All Ministry Core Services Reviews were completed in 2002/03. Ninety-five per cent of Crown corporations have completed their Core Services Review.

2. Completed. All Ministries have implemented the vast majority of the recommended strategic shifts resulting from their Core Services Review. Of the 59 Crown corporations, over 75% have implemented the majority of the recommendations resulting from their Core Services Review.

3. Completed. The number of Crown agencies, boards and commissions with provincial representation has been reduced to 498 from the base of 730. This figure represents a 32% reduction in the number of Crown agencies.

New governance and accountability frameworks developed and implemented for Crown corporations, agencies boards and commissions 1. Strategic framework for Crown agencies established

2. Finalize umbrella governance and accountability frameworks for Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions

1. Underway. The Crown Agencies Secretariat, in consultation with Crown corporations, government and other jurisdictions, is currently developing a strategic framework for Crown agencies.

2. Underway. A draft governance and accountability framework has been posted on the Crown Agencies Secretariat Web site.

50% of Crown corporations establish corporate governance frameworks that are consistent with the umbrella governance and accountability framework Completed. All major Crown corporations have appropriate corporate governance structures in place that clearly set out the processes by which the Board carries out its activities and are consistent with the governance framework.
Performance measurement reporting framework for government organizations revamped Completed. A new framework for planning and reporting against performance measures has been established for government organizations. Crown agencies are implementing a performance measurement system and benchmarking either by comparing themselves to similar organizations or using external agencies to assist them in the development of performance measures and benchmarks. The Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations reviews performance against benchmarks.
Develop survey and benchmarks to assess effectiveness Achieve composite score of 6.5 based on benchmarks Underway. Crown corporation CEOs were consulted to assess the past performance of the Crown Agencies Secretariat and to get their perspectives on the future direction of the Secretariat. This information will be referenced in the development of a survey of Crown corporation CEOs and Ministers responsible for Crowns to be undertaken in 2003/04.
Appointments process developed and implemented Application form and upcoming vacancies online Completed. Complete information regarding how to apply to be considered for incoming vacancies is available on the Board Resourcing and Development (BRDO) Web site at http://www.fin.gov.bc.ca/abc/. Applications may be submitted online. There were 1,081,755 hits on this Web site by 55,239 different users.

For all agencies, boards and commissions, the terms of current appointees are shown on the Web site so upcoming vacancies can be identified. In certain cases, vacancies are also advertised in local and national newspapers.

Feedback system developed to assess appointments Completed. Biographies for all appointees are available on the Web site and subject to public scrutiny and feedback.

All candidates for reappointment are assessed prior to consideration for reappointment.

BRDO follows up with Chairs on a regular basis to obtain feedback on appointments.

60% of appointments are processed at least 30 days before effective date Underway. Many appointments to agencies, boards and commissions were put on hold pending the outcome of Ministry Core Services Review. For this reason, the percentage of all appointments processed at least 30 days before the appointments expire is less than 60%.


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