2002/03 Annual Service Plan Report -- Government of British Columbia.

Performance ReportingContinued

Goal 1: To make British Columbia a leader in electronic government, to facilitate public participation through the legislative process, achieve more effective delivery of services at a lower cost and improve access to services over the internet.

Objectives Strategies
1.1. Give all citizens and businesses better online access to core services.

• Make any government service that can be delivered electronically available over the Internet.

• Work with the technology industry to capitalize on the tremendous potential for growth and job creation in exciting new sectors like bio-technology, forestry technology, software development, multi-media, electronics and telecommunications.

• Work with communications companies, Internet service providers and local communities to bring high-speed Internet access to all communities in British Columbia, using public assets like roads, railways and power lines to leverage rapid growth in communications infrastructure and broadband Internet capabilities.

1.2. Increase access to information and help reduce the cost of paper flow and bureaucratic bottlenecks.
1.3. Support the fastest growing technology industry in Canada.
1.4. Ensure British Columbia's citizens and businesses have the capability and confidence to do business electronically.

Measures and Targets

Measure 2002/03 Target 2002/03 Actual
Public expectations as defined by survey Survey and targets developed Underway. Targets are being developed for inclusion in the Ministry of Management Services for 2003/04 due to transfer of Chief Information Office function to that Ministry.
Number of British Columbians with access to digital telecommunications By 2004/05, 80% of British Columbians have access to digital communications Completed. Currently 82% of British Columbians have access. The target is being raised to 87% for 2004/05.
Amount of government business being transacted over the Internet To be established with Premier's Technology Council Underway. The tools have been purchased and installed on the Enterprise Portal to measure this beginning in September 2003 after completion of the Portal Project.
Services obtained electronically from government Number of User ID increases 25% over 2002/03 Completed. The number of British Columbia electronic User Ids increased by 100% over 2002/03.
Awareness and use of government Internet services Hits to BC Connects increased to 4,000 per week Underway. The 2002/03 Service Plan identifies the number of "hits" to the BC Connects Web site as a measure. The correct measure for the targets should have read "visits." Hits measure the numbers of clicks on pages, while visits measure the number of times individuals visit a Web site. Measuring hits generates a much higher number that does not accurately reflect the correct use of visits as a measure. Average hits per week are 75,420.

The target should have been 4,000 weekly visits to the BC Connects Web site. Average weekly visits for the year were 2,921. Enhancement of the BC Connects Web site was not actively pursued in 2002/03 as the implementation of the Enterprise Portal was to supersede the BC Connects Web site.

Number of government services delivered electronically Two additional services per ministry over 2002/03 Completed. Forty-seven new services were delivered electronically in 2002/03. Examples of services added in 2002/03 are:

Land and Resource Registries Portal: a single window system that provides clients with access to information regarding titles and encumbrances on land, surface and subsurface rights respecting resources. Refer to web site: http://srmwww.gov.bc.ca/sstu/portal.

Web Orientation for B.C. Employment and Assistance: a Web based orientation session for the BC Employment and Assistance Program. This site can be viewed at: http://www.weborientation. gov.bc.ca/.


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